The Mysterious Woman

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The hooded woman appears in a part of the forest far away from Berk and she collapses onto her hands and knees in exhaustion. "Okay. That was a lot of energy." She pants. She looks at the bottle she grabbed and picks it up, since she dropped it when she collapsed. She looks to read what is written on the parchment, but it got smudged. The woman pouts then sighs as she takes a few deep breaths then rises to her feet and makes her way to her home. "Damnit. Who knows what this stuff was. And to top it off, that guy got covered in it." She complains as she walks. She then arrives to a large wooden house near a cave that was very large.

She smiles as she approaches the cave. She lowers her hood then takes a deep breath, "Midnight, I'm back~" She says. Within the cave, a pair of bright glowing whitish-purples eyes are seen then the owner of those slowly make their way to the woman and it is then revealed to be a Stormcutter. She was midnight-black, but the frills on her head are a bright purple that matched her eyes and she had beautiful starry patterns on her wings that included blue, white and purple, along with having bright purple jaguar-like spots on her back, tail, and tail-fins.

As the Stormcutter exits the cave, her eyes stopped glowing as they become their natural light purple. She coos softly at the woman who raises a hand to her and she leans into it. "So, good to see you. Did you have a nice nap?" She asks. Midnight gives a huff and leans back as she looks at the woman with skeptical eyes. The woman crosses her arms as she avoids the dragon's look. It was silent for a moment, "Okay, so the last thing I needed to get was splashed on a cute guy and I teleported out of there and I have no idea what it was because the freaking ink is smudged!" The woman rants, waving her arms around as she did so.

The woman inhales deeply the exhales slowly as she combs her fingers through her (H/C) hair. Midnight looks down at her with a sympathetic look and gently nudged her with her head. The woman sighs and pets Midnight's head. "Thanks, M. I needed that." She thanks the dragon. "Well, I don't want to waste this bottle. I'll head inside, put this with the others then get us something to eat." She says, the dragon growling in approval. The woman walks towards the house and opens the door as she enters, closing behind once she was in. She takes off her cloak and hangs it on a hook as it reveals her to be wearing a (F/C) shirt with a black-vest over it, brown leggings while wearing black boots with yak fur on them, brown arm braces with cravings in them (They can be whatever you want them to be), black fingerless gloves with some (G/S) (Gemstones) decorating the knuckles, and her hair was long and braided as it rests against her back.

She sets down the empty bottle down on the table and she rests her hands on the table. She inhales deeply once more as she calms herself then stands up straight. She walks over to grab her fishing net then grabs her staff (It is made from a strong wood and it matches her height along with having the top of it having four branches that swirls a little and close together at the top. It has a round orb within it to channel magic.) She then exits out of the house and finds Midnight waiting for her. "Alright. Let's go." She says. Midnight lowers herself as the woman gets on her. The Stormcutter takes flight as they head to their usual fishing spot.

The woman balances herself on Midnight and closes her eyes from the wind. She always loved flying with the Stormcutter for as long as the two have known each other. The woman opens her eyes as she feels Midnight fly downward to their usual fishing spot. Midnight lands gently and lowers herself to let the woman off. The (H/C)-haired woman lands gently, "Okay, let's catch some food." She says. The area was a large lake with lots of green around it. Beautiful flowers of all colors were seen and the place was rather secluded and hardly visited by any other humans. The woman sets the net down in front of her on the ground then she stands up straight and holds her staff as she closes her eyes to concentrate.

The clear orb starts to glow (F/C) and have a wispy aura surround it and the woman opens her eyes as she then focuses on the net. It starts to have the same wispy, (F/C) glow as it unravels and is sent into the lake. Midnight watches as she waits for a bit until the woman feels a tug then focuses her powers to lift the net, that is now filled with lots of fish. She levitates the net to be near Midnight and the dragon then breathes fire at the net. Once done, the fish have all gone limp. "Good thing I put a fire proof charm on the net." The woman says as she adjusts her grip on her staff.

But before anything else could happen, Midnight's pupils become silts as her head perks up and she looks around. The woman notices her friend's behavior but then she feels a slight quake under her feet. But then another happens and another after that, getting more and more powerful. She loses focus on the net full of fish and it falls onto the ground as the (F/C) glow vanishes. Midnight grabs the woman's vest with her mouth and moves to hide in some trees that are surrounding the area. Midnight gently drops the woman as she holds her close and the markings on her glow as she makes herself and the woman invisible.

The quakes become less intense as a giant foot appears. The woman grips her staff tightly as she looks up to see a giant. But then she covers her mouth to keep herself quiet as the giant lowers onto his knees as cups his hands together so he could hold the water he gets from the lake and splash it on his face. Midnight looks at the huge person with caution but then the woman moves to get a better look at the giant then freezes as she recognizes him. Before her stood the same guy that got doused in the unknown liquid that was in the ink-smudged bottle. "Oh.... Crap." She mutters to herself.

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