An Unexpected Guest

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Hiccup opens the door to his and his father's home, "Alright, bud. Let's get these put away for safekeeping." He says to his black-scaled companion. Toothless coos and goes to lay down near the hearth. He curls up and closes his eyes as he gets comfortable. Hiccup smiles at him then heads upstairs as he enters his room and it's down the crate on his desk. He hears the door to the house open and he goes downstairs to find his father enter. "Hey, Dad." He greets. "Ah, son. Good to see you. I hear there was an unexpected package dropped near the village." Stoick says. "Uh, yeah. I sent Astrid and Fishlegs to get Gothi. Maybe she might know what is in the crate." Hiccup explains.

But while the father and son talk, something had entered through the opening on the roof. A soft thud has heard as a (F/C) glow appears and reveals a young woman wearing a black cloak. She had long (H/C) hair that was peaking out from her hood, (S/C) skin revealed from her face being half-shown due to a mask she wore to cover the lower half of her face, and sharp bright (E/C) eyes that were looking around Hiccup's room until they land on the crate filled with the mysterious containers. "Bingo." She whispers. She slowly makes her way to the crate to make as little noise as possible while Hiccup and Stoick continue to talk.

"It is rather odd. A box containing objects with symbols that have never been seen." Stoick says out loud in thought. "Yeah. Hopefully, Gothi might know something." Hiccup says. Toothless opens his eyes as he raises his head, he sniffs the air then stands up as he walks off and up the stairs. Hiccup and Stoick ignores him as they are busy with their conversation. The mysterious woman puts the containers in her bag but then pauses as she hears something approaching. Thinking quickly, her hands glow (F/C) and she disappears again. Toothless enters the room and looks around to try to find anything out of the ordinary. The, currently, invisible woman holds her breath as she looks at the Night Fury with wide eyes.

Toothless then looks to find the crate open and walks over to it. The woman slowly and carefully moves to avoid him as he looks into the crate, only to find one container left. He tilts his head in confusion then looks around to try and find something. Finding nothing, he then sniffs the air and picks up on an unfamiliar scent. His pupils narrow as he slowly moves to where the scent is coming from. The woman holds the bag to her body as she uses her free hand to grab a something in her pouch attached to her belt. She pulls out a small bag tosses it at Toothless. Dark purple smoke explodes from the contact and Toothless roars in surprise. He closes his eyes and shakes his head but then starts to feel sluggish. He tries to keep his eyes open but becomes more and more tired until he lands with thud, passed out on the floor. The woman breathes in relief.

"Toothless?" The woman hears Hiccups voice and closes the bag as she puts it on and makes her way out of the house through the opening in the roof. "Damnit. So close." She says, looking back at the crate with one last container. She then slides down the house and runs away from the village.

Hiccup makes it up the stairs and sees Toothless passed out, snoring away without a care in the world. "Toothless?" Hiccup walks over and kneels down as he rests a hand on Toothless. "Bud? You good?" Hiccup asks, nudging Toothless to try and wake up the Night Fury. But no luck. "Son, what's wrong?" Stoick asks, having made his way up the stairs. "I don't know. Toothless fell asleep and he's not waking up." Hiccup answers. "Stoick kneels on one knee has he looks at Toothless. "He doesn't seem to be in any pain." Stoick notes. They then hear a knock and Stoick makes his way down as he opens the door, "Aw, Gothi. Perfect timing." He says, welcoming the elder lady in his house along with Astrid and Fishelgs.

"So, what happened?" Astrid asks. Gothi is checking on Toothless after Hiccup explained what had happened. "I'm not sure. I heard him roar then came up and found him sound asleep." Hiccup answers, scratching the back of his head as he think of how it happened. Gothi feels along Toothless' back then grabs her staff as she uses it to draw in some sand she brought to communicate. "So, what is she saying?" Hiccups asks. Fishlegs looks at what Gothi has written in the sand. "She says that he is fine. Nothing to worry about, he'll wake up after a while." Fishlegs translates. Astrid's eyes looks down on the ground and finds some torn up cloth. "What's this?" She asks, kneeling down and picking up the cloth with her fingers. Gothi looks at it then takes it and observes it closely.

Her eyes widen as she gasps quietly. "What? What is it, Gothi?" Hiccup asks. Gothi does not answer and carefully puts the torn up cloth in a small bag. She then looks around until she sees the open crate. She walks over to it and the others watch her. "Oh, right! The crate appeared out of nowhere and-Ah! There's only one?!?" Fishlegs yelps as he looks to find the crate almost completely empty save for one container. "What?" Astrid questions as she stands and walks over to look into the crate. "Someone must have snuck in and taken the rest of the stuff." Astrid says, her face in a scowl at the thought of someone stealing from them. "They must have been the one to have put Toothless to sleep." Hiccup concludes. Stoick hums in thought, "I will have the A-Team search the island. I won't take any chances with this stranger. They could be a threat." He says. He then makes his way down the stairs, "I'll come too." Astrid says, following the Chief. Gothi grabs her things as she makes her leave. "I'll get Gothi back to her hut. And maybe find out why she reacted the way she did to a torn up piece of cloth." Fishlegs says quiet to Hiccup.

After hearing the door close, Hiccup lets out a long sigh as he rubs his forehead to ease an incoming headache. "Oooo-Kay, what to do?" He says. He looks down at the one container still in the crate and walks over to it. He grabs it and holds it up to better look at it. He sees those strange symbols as he tries to understand it. He pops off the cork and look into the bottle to try and see what is in there exactly. What he didn't know was that the hooded woman was watching him from the opening on the roof. "Just one more to go." She whispers to herself. "Alright, just need to cause a distraction, grab the last bottle and get home. Good thing I have been practicing that teleportation spell, but then again it is exhausting so I only have one shot at this." She says to herself.

She takes out a rock she picked up and throws it to the other side of the room. It gets Hiccup's attention and looks over to where he hears it from, but does not let go of the bottle. The woman sighs, "Okay. Plan B." She says, reaching into her pouch and takes out another bag. "Only one left. Make it count." She thinks to herself. She holds herself up as she aims at Hiccup but then her hand slips and she let out a sequel in surprise. Hiccup jumps as he hears a thud and looks up to find the hooded woman on the roof. "Hey!" He shouts. The woman looks at him with wide eyes as she realizes she has been spotted. "Crap!" But as Hiccup steps back, he accidentally trips and falls backwards as the bottle in his hand is thrown into the air as he lost his grip.

Hiccup lands on his back and looks up in time to see a green liquid spill out of the bottle, and land on him. "Gah!" He groans at the feeling of the substance while the hooded woman watches with wide eyes. She then sees the bottle, "Aw, what the hell." She says, jumping down and grabbing the bottle. "I'm sorry." She says, before making her hands glow (F/C) and teleports away. Hiccup could only stare in shock at what he had seen. "What the-"

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