Where are Hiccup and Toothless?

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As they search and search, no one in Berk could find Hiccup or Toothless. The sun was starting to lower and the Dragon Riders meet up at the arena again. "This is weird. I mean, I know Hiccup is dramatic with leaving and coming back all heroic-like, but he's never been gone for this long." Snotlout's voices his thoughts. Astrid paces around as she slowly becomes more and more frustrated. "This is weird. First there is a stranger on the island and now both Hiccup and Toothless are missing." Fishlegs wonders, still thinking of what had actually happened.

"Maybe something had happened that resulted in our one-legged leader to be put in a situation that makes him see a different perspective?" Ruffnut questions out loud. "Indeed. Perhaps it was so sudden and surprising that he needed some time to figure it out. And his loyal scaly companion followed him." Tuffnut adds. Astrid scoffs as she looks at the twins with a glare, "Look, we find Hiccup and Toothless then we deal with the intruder. But this is ridiculous! This is Berk, we were born and raised here, how could we not find them?" She rants. The others remain silent so that they would not agitate her further.

The dragons watch on as they all share a look with one another. What their riders did not know was that they were able to pick up something at the destroyed house. Stormfly roars and the young Vikings look at her as she starts running around. "Stormfly? Whoa, whoa, what is it, girl?" Astrid asks, walking up to her dragon as she tries to calm her. "I think, I think she's trying to tell us something." Fishlegs says. Stormfly stops as she roars softly and Astrid softly strokes her, "What is it, Stormfly?" She asks. The Nadder lowers herself and Astrid gets on her, "Come on!" She calls out to the others as Stormfly flies out of the arena. The others quickly get on their dragons and follow them.

They make their way to the destroyed house and Stormfly lowers herself as she tries to find something with her nose. "What is trying to sniff out?" Snotlout asks. "I think she's trying to find a scent." Fishlegs guesses. Stormfly squawks as she gets something. "Okay, she's got something." Astrid says. "Shouldn't we get Stoick?" Fishelgs asks. "We need to go now before the scent fades." Astrid orders. She then has Stormfly take to the skies and the other follow. "You think we can be able to find them in the dark?" "I don't know. But this is Astrid we're talking about." "True." The twins converse as the fly to the part of the island where Hiccup and Toothless had gone.

Meanwhile, with the sun having set and after eating, (Y/N) put out the fire by summoning some wind with her magic. "Okay. It's been a long day. Time for some sleep." She says. Midnight yawns as she stretches a little, more than happy to comply with her friend's statement. Hiccup cover his mouth as he yawns, "Yep. I can agree with that." He says. (Y/N) looks over at Toothless and sees all the gear that is on him, "Hiccup, if it's okay, would be alright if I remove Toothless' gear? So he can sleep more comfortably." She asks. Hiccup looks down at her then looks at Toothless who sneezes and shakes his head. He smiles, "Sure. Bud, do you mind?" He asks his friend. Toothless smiles as he walks over to (Y/N). The (H/C)-haired woman cracks her knuckles as she summons her magic and makes her hands glow. She carefully uses her magic to remove all the gear on Toothless. Once it was all off, Toothless stretches himself then gives (Y/N) an amazed look.

"Wow. Amazing." Hiccup compliments her. (Y/N) smiles from it then opens the door to her house as she levitates the gear inside and makes a neat pile. "Thanks. I have had a lot of practice." She says, hands now no longer glowing. Midnight roars softly as her eyes glow, making her way into the cave to rest. "There is an area right there with soft grass to lay on." (Y/N) says, pointing to said area that was perfect for Hiccup to rest. "Thanks." He says, carefully crawling his way to the area then lays down on his back. "And I mean it." He says, turning his head to look at her with a thankful smile. (Y/N) looks at him with a surprised look but quickly covers it by smiling at him. "No problem. Sleep well. You too, Toothless." She says. She then enters her house and closes the door.

Hiccup exhales a little then looks up at the sky. He sees the stars appear as he rests with his hands on his stomach. He then feels something against his head and look to find Toothless curl up beside him. He smiles at his friend then looks up at the sky as he closes his eyes. Toothless purrs softly as the two fall into a peaceful slumber.

With the Dragon Riders, they have landed so that they could rest for the night. A fire was lit as they get comfortable for the night, "Welp. I don't know about you guys, but I'm out." Snotlout says before he lies down and starts snoring. The twins fist bump then lay on their backs, put their helmets over their eyes then fall asleep as Barf and Belch curl their necks to rest their head near their respective rider. Astrid was leaning back against Stormfly as she looks at the fire with a hard, but worried face. Fishlegs notices but remains quiet as he moves to lie down on his back. Meatlug lays near him as she closes her eyes and drifts to sleep. "Something about all of this. What does it mean?" Fishlegs thinks before he closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep.

Astrid sighs as her face softens. Stormfly sleeps peacefully as the blonde woman leans back to get comfortable. "Hiccup, I hope you're okay." She says. She then closes her eyes as she drifts into a troubled slumber.

(Okay, I have been posting a lot of chapters for this, I'm gonna work on something else. Hope you like it so far and see ya next time.)

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