What Happened?

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After having been informed about a stranger on the island, the villagers of Berk got to work right away. The Dragon Riders and the A-Team were up in the skies as their dragons flew across the island, but have no luck. The Riders met at the arena after finding nothing. "You think we would have an easier time, but no~, we have nothing!" Snotlout voices his complaints as he leans back on Hookfang. Who huffs then walks away and results in Snotlout falling on his back. "Ow!"

Astrid rolls her eyes as she crosses her arms, "Relax, Snotlout. We'll find them. But where is Hiccup?" She says before noting the absence of a certain one-legged Viking. "Maybe he's with Toothless. We should go check on him." Fishlegs says. "You know, this stranger we know nothing about? Could they have some kind of unique skill that is beyond our own understanding of all we know?" Tuffnut thinks out loud. "A rather intriguing idea, dear brother. We have yet to know as to who this person is and what they can do." Ruffnut adds. The others just look at them with questioning looks. Astrid rolls her eyes as she's uncrosses her arms and walk towards Stormfly, "Well, however they are, I'm going to check on Hiccup." She says.

Once she gets on her dragon companion, Stormfly exits out of the arena as she makes her way to see Hiccup. But when the get closer her eyes widen at what she sees. She makes Stormfly land then she gets off her as Astrid runs over and stops at the remains of the Chief's house. It was destroyed with wood all over the place. She searches the place then finds the torn up tunic that belonged to Hiccup and the pieces of his prosthetic. She could not find Hiccup or Toothless. "What in Thor's name happened here?!?!" Astrid looks back to find Stoick looking at his destroyed home with a shocked face.

"I-I don't know. But Hiccup and Toothless are not here." She replies. Stoick looks around to try and find his son and the Night Fury. But they were nowhere in sight. "What in all that is chaos happened here?" Astrid and Stoick look to find the rest of the Dragon Riders arrive and look at the area with looks of baffle, shock, and bewilderment. "I have no idea, but I love it." Ruffnut says, a mischievous smirk on her face. "Me too, sister." Tuffnut says, having a matching smirk. "What could have down this?" Fishlegs questions as he picks up a broken piece of wood. "I do not know, but Hiccup and Toothless are missing. Until further notice, finding them is top priority." Stoick orders as he walks off and gets on Skullcrusher then the two fly off.

"Come on. Let's get moving." Astrid orders as she hurries to Stormfly. "Wait, Wait! Hold on, something isn't adding up." Fishlegs calls out. Astrid stops herself before she could got on Stormfly as she gives her attention to Fishlegs. "Uh, what is not adding up other than the place is in pieces and Hiccup and Toothless are missing? Along with the fact that there is still a stranger on the island." Snotlout asks. Fishlegs examines the place then looks at the piece of wood in his hand. "It doesn't seem to be an attack. I don't know, but if someone was trying to kidnap Hiccup and Toothless they would have not made a mess like this." He states. The others have junk about what he said until Astrid scoffs as she gets in Stormfly. "We need to find Hiccup and Toothless. We'll deal with the intruder after." She states in a stern tone.

Stormfly roars as she takes off into the sky. Snotlout gets on Hookfang's and they quickly follow after them. The twins continue to look around the place while Fishlegs stand I place as he thinks. Meatlug rubs her head against Fishlegs' arm and the large Viking give her a pat in thanks, "Thanks, Meatlug. I just know there is more to this." He says.

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