Some Work to Do

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(Here's the next chapter. Enjoy!)

"Okay! First day on Dragon's Edge has been good so far. Now, on to managing a new normal. For the time being." (Y/N) says as she twirls her staff around. It was now morning and she along with Midnight, Astrid and Fishlegs, along with their dragons, were waiting for Hiccup and Toothless to arrive. After getting a good night's sleep, the dragon riders had a meeting and it was agreed that Fishlegs and Astrid would be watchers and help with Hiccup getting use to his new powers while Snotlout and the twins would do patrol. Though, Ruffnut and Tuffnut were upset at that but (Y/N) promised to teach them some stuff later and they quickly complied.

Soon enough, Toothless was seen flying towards them then lands on the ground as Hiccup gets off him, now wearing some new brown pants and a red tunic. "Right on time." (Y/N) says, walking over to him and giving Toothless a scratch on the chin, which he purrs from then goes over to play with the other dragons. "You ready? Oh, and before I forget, how about that little spell to help with your wardrobe? And feet?" She says. "Yeah, that would be appreciated." Hiccup says. (Y/N) nods her head with a smile then takes a few steps back and holds her staff ready as the orb starts to emit a (F/C) glow.

"Can you believe that we have an actual witch in front of us?" Astrid asks Fishlegs, her arms crossed as she watches (Y/N) perform a spell and Hiccup's clothes and peg leg glow a little until it fades and (Y/N) lowers her staff then twirls and tosses it into the air and catches it. Hiccup chuckles at her performance but claps at it. "I still can't!" Fishlegs replies excitedly. He was writing down what he saw in his new journal that he is dedicating to anything magic. He was so excited that he woke up early and went to greet (Y/N) but got jumped by Midnight. After calming her down, (Y/N) was happy to share her knowledge with Fishlegs but would have to wait because there was a lot to get started on and he understood. But he was still bouncing in his steps at the thought of new knowledge.

Astrid sighs, "Yeah, but we still need to be careful. Not that I don't trust (Y/N), magic is something that is pretty powerful and unpredictable so we have to take caution." She states. Fishelgs nods his head then Meatlug walks up to him and nudges his arm with her head. He looks at her then gives her a smile. "Okay, but only one more. I don't want you to spoil your lunch, Meatlug." He says to her as he takes out a rock and feeds it to her.

"Okay, now whatever clothes you wear will adapt to whatever size you are. Also, your peg leg will disappear and reappear when needed." (Y/N) informs. Hiccup nods his head, "Got it." He then inhales deeply. "Well, let's test it out." He says. (Y/N) nods her head then steps back and stands with Astrid and Fishlegs. "Now remember, strong emotions trigger it." (Y/N) reminds Hiccup. "Right." He says. He inhales deeply and close his eyes to focus. But then water was poured on him. "Agh! What the-!" He looks up to find the twins on Barf and Belch and the dragon had the giant bun to contain water in its claws. "Did that work?!" Tuffnut shouts.

Hiccup glares up at them. "Aren't you guys supposed to be on patrol?!?" He shouts back. "Ah, come on! This was way more interesting." Ruffnut replies. Hiccup continues to give them a glare, not noticing that he was gaining height. He lowers his head as he holds a hand to his face, "Honestly, this is not something to play around with!" He scolds. The twins just have smirks on the faces and this frustrates Hiccup more. He doesn't realize that his prosthetic glowed then once it fade he had two feet again.

"Looks like the spells work. Though, I already got a good idea about the twins, does this happen often?" (Y/N) asks Astrid. "All. The. Time." Astrid answers. "Also, should we tell Hiccup?" Fishlegs asks as he writes in his journal. "Nah. I want to see how long it will take until he realizes." (Y/N) says. Midnight gives a look at her but says nothing for she knew how her friend can be. "You guys don't understand how this can really...." Hiccup trials off as he looks up and finds himself closer to the bin that the twins dumped water on him. He looks down to find that he has grown quite a bit. "Oh." He realizes.

"Hmmm. Big enough, sister?" Tuffnut asks. "Not yet." Ruffnut replies with a smirk. Then some fire was blasted and Hiccup ducked down to dodge it. "Oh, for the love of-Snotlout!" He says, growing some more and Barf and Belch moved out of the way. Midnight then fires a small blast and it revealed Snotlout and Hookfang hiding in the woods. "What? This was too good not to participate in." Snotlout says as he and Hookfang join with the others. Hiccup gives them a glare, "Not funny." He says.

"You know, in hindsight, maybe we should have let them help in the first place." (Y/N) says as she twirls a strand of her hair. "Yeah...." Astrid trails off. She then focuses and walks up to Hiccup, who now stood at a height of the trees reaching his shoulders. She holds her hands up to cup her mouth, "So? How do you feel?" She shouts at Hiccup. He looks down at her then moves down to be on his knees, "Fine. Just... taller." He answers. "And quite possibly stronger." Ruffnut says. Barf and Belch land and the twins get off them, "Indeed. With such a size, Hiccup's strength shall be greater than any Viking in the history of history!" Tuffnut shouts, raising his hands into the air for emphasis. Hiccup looks down at them with a raised brow.

"You know, I don't think getting picked up by a giant will ever get old." Ruffnut says. She and her brother now hanging by their vests on branches of a tree. "Yeah. Even if we are dangling from a somewhat dangerous height." Tuffnut agrees. Toothless walks up to Hiccup and rubs himself on his friend's legs. Hiccup gives him a stratch on the neck. "Thanks, bud." He says. Fishlegs was stopped writing in his journal as he looked up at Hiccup. "You know, they do have point." He starts. "It is a possibility that with your height, your strength could have increased." He states. Hiccup thinks about this for a minute. "Yeah. But to be sure." He says as he stands up then grows to his full height.

"Come on, let's follow!" (Y/N) says as she hops on Midnight. The others get on their dragons, the twins grabbed by Barf and Belch and Astrid getting on Toothless for he could not fly on his own, and follow Hiccup. He soon found a giant boulder and bend down to pick it up. Letting out a grunt, he picks it up then holds it in one hand. "Hmm." He he hums as he tosses them catches it in his other hand. "Got some muscle on ya." Astrid smirks at him as Toothless lands on his left shoulder. "Yeah. Pretty weird, not gonna lie." He says. "Wow. Just what you need to add with your whole attraction of all things weird." Snotlout teases, but Hookfang rolls his eyes as he hears his envy.

Hiccup then tosses it away, but winces as he hears a crash an annoyed roar. "Sorry." He calls out to the dragon. Midnight then flies in place in front of him, "Well, you're catching on fast. Hopefully, at this rate it will be smooth crystal." (Y/N) says, leaning against her staff. Stormfly then lands on Hiccup's head and starts preening his hair. Hiccup smiles at that and gently pets her. "It's not all that bad." He says. (Y/N)'s smile widens then she stands straight and twirls her staff. "Well, I'm gonna start looking up how to do the 'Extraction Spell.' And if you need any help, my hut is always unlocked." She winks at him as she rests her staff against her shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Have help, giant powers. Blah, blah, blah. Throw another boulder." Snotlout says. Hiccup rolls his eyes but then feels something pat his cheek and looks to find Astrid smiling at him. "We got this." She tells him. He smiles back then chuckles a little as Toothless gives his cheek a lick.

(Until the next chapter, Bye!)

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