Making Friends

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(Hello~ New chapter. Hope you enjoy!)

(Y/N) was currently in her hut as she gets her stuff situated in how she wants a she then hears a knock, "Who is it?" She calls out. "It's Fishelgs. May I come in?" Fishlegs responds. "Yes." (Y/N) says. The door opens up and Fishelgs enters while Meatlug stays behind and looks up at Midnight, who gives her a curious stare. The Gronckle then flies and hovers for a bit and Midnight looks at (Y/N), who gives her a smile. The Stormcutter then takes off to play with Meatlug.

"So..... whoa." Fishlegs says as he looks around the hut. Books, tools, and a chest taking residence along with crystals of all colors decorate the interior. Hanging from the ceiling and on the walls. "Yeah. They say that crystals hold their own unique properties." Fishelgs jumps and looks to his right to find (Y/N) looking at the crystals hanging from the ceiling that were designed to resemble stars. She had a soft smile as she reminisces a memory, "My mom always said that they provide comfort and that they can help in channeling magical power." She says. Fishlegs gives her sympathetic frown at the sad tone when she mentioned her mother. (Y/N) claps her hands together and this makes him jump again, "But! We got other stuff to get to. Like why are you here?" She asks, looking at him with wide attentive eyes.

Fishlegs clears his throat as he holds his journal in his hands. "Well, I was wondering how some people can weird magic." He says. (Y/N) nods her head then walks over to a table where many different herbs reside, "Well, the thing about magic is that it is everywhere~" She says. Fishlegs walks over and stands next to her as (Y/N) holds a withered plant in her hand. "It is often not felt by anyone, but some can become in touch with it by focusing on the life around them. Though, this can take years, up to decades, to master." She says. A (F/C) color mist appears and surrounds the plant. The crystals on her gloves glow as they help channel the magic (Y/N) summons. "But some are born with this and therefore have a much stronger connection to it." She says. The herb floating off her palm as it hovers between the two.

"And it can make the impossible," The herb returns back to its original life-filled form with it being a vibrant green once again, "Possible." She finishes holding the herb in her hand, the mist fading. Fishlegs' eyes were wide with amazement. "Wow." He breathes out. "I know, right?" (Y/N) jokes. Fishlegs then writes down what he was just informed then focuses back on (Y/N). "So, what you're saying is it is possible for people to be born with magical ability but can also be learned how to be channeled by those who are born without it." He summarizes. (Y/N) places the herb on the table, "Yep." She answers.

She then walks over to the bookshelf and grabs a book. "I can tell that you are honest and love to learn new stuff." She starts, walking over and presenting the book to Fishlegs, "So, I figure it wouldn't hurt to share this type of knowledge." She says. Fishlegs looks at the book presented to him to find the cover carved with flowers and their vines wrapping my around a round gem. He looks at her, "Are you sure? I don't want to invade anything." He says. (Y/N) gives him a smile, "I'm sure. Plus, I haven't really gotten to talk about this stuff with anyone other than Midnight." She says. Fishlegs smiles then gently takes the book from her. "I promise to return once I'm done." He states. (Y/N) nods her head.

Fishlegs then calls for Meatlug and the dragon appears as Midnight does as well. After the boy and Gronckle left, Midnight looks over at (Y/N) to find her walk over and wrap her arms around her neck. She purrs in concern. "I'm okay." "Are you?" (Y/N) jumps away from Midnight to find Astrid walking up to her. She wipes away any tears before they fell and Midnight looks at Astrid with a warning gaze. Astrid stops walking and stands a few feet away from the two. "I saw Fishlegs fly off with a smile on his face that said 'Yay! More reading!'" She starts. (Y/N) smiles at her sentence then looks away. "Yeah, I lend him one of my books." She says.

"I know it may seem like I'm too trusting, but it's because... I have only had Midnight as company, and I do love her, she's my everything!" She says, giving Midnight a hug and the dragon coos at her action. Astrid gives her a sympathetic smile, "But it's not the same. Is it?" She says. (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes dim a little when she said that and Midnight feels her shift in emotion. "I hope I'm not being too forward, but you have a place he-RE!" She coughs out a bit as (Y/N) hugs her. Astrid holds her arms up surprised but then smiles and hugs her back. Midnight grows softly and finally sees Astrid as not a threat anymore. "Thanks." (Y/N)'s voice muffled from her face being in Astrid's shoulder. Astrid huffs a laugh, "No problem."

(Hope you liked it. I want to establish a good relationship with the other riders. See ya in the next chapter!)

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