A New Friendship

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"So, you've been living on Berk for years." Hiccup asks. He along with (Y/N) and Midnight had arrived to the witch and the Stormcutter's home. (Y/N) lowers the net of fish onto the ground then looks up at Hiccup, "Yeah. This part of the island is secluded and no one comes here. Except for some dragons passing by along with some woodland creatures. I also put up a charm as a precaution." She answers. Hiccup nods then lowers himself to sit as he leans back on the stone wall, right next to the entrance of Midnight's cave. (Y/N) then opens the net with magic and Midnight helps herself to some of the fish. (Y/N) sets down her staff as she grabs some fish for herself then glances up at Hiccup. She then grabs some fish and makes her hand glows as she uses one of her fingers to draws a charm on one. "Here." She offers him.

Hiccup looks at her, "Thanks, but I'm good right now." He politely declines, but then a growl was heard and he blushes a little. "Well, your stomach says otherwise." (Y/N) teases. Hiccup wraps his arms around his stomach as he avoids her gaze. "Okay, so I'm hungry. But look at me, I'm a giant now." He says, looking down at her. "I know. Which is why I put a charm on this fish. It will make it so that you had a full meal. Trust me, I have tested the charm over a hundred times to get it right." (Y/N) says. Hiccup decides to trust her word then lowers his hand and (Y/N) gives him the fish. He then lifts his hand and tosses the fish into his mouth. He swallows it since it was so tiny and, just like (Y/N) said, he felt like he had a full meal.

"Wow. That's amazing." He says, amazed by the magic. "Thanks. Oh, Midnight. Could you light the fire, please?" (Y/N) asks the Stormcutter as she tosses some logs into the fire pit. Midnight halts from eating and channels some fire as she lights the it. "Thank you." (Y/N) says as she takes a stick and spears it through a fish. She sits down on the ground as she cooks her fish. It was relatively quiet as the three sit together. Hiccup looks at himself again as he finally has a moment to rest and take in everything that has happened.

"Hey, you good?" He snaps out of his thoughts as he looks down at (Y/N). She looks up at him with patient eyes and Hiccup sighs. "Well, if I'm being honest, I'm not sure. I mean, things have been calming down ever since the whole Shellfire thing and dragon hunters being nowhere to be found. Then I grow over fifty feet tall and I meet a witch with her unique dragon. Oh, and I find out that magic actually exists." He says, waving his arms a little to emphasize. (Y/N) sighs softly, "Yeah. One small thing, uh, in a figurative sense, can change everything." She says, looking at the fire with a sad expression. "Hey, you okay?" Hiccup asks, noticing her down look.

(Y/N) blinks in surprise as she shakes her head to focus, "Yeah. Yeah. I just got a little lost in thought back there." She answers, then takes a bite of her cooked fish. Hiccup then postpone his legs so that he was sitting criss-crossed then rests his arms on his knees. "So, uh, if you don't mind, why did you take the bottles?" He asks. (Y/N) chews a little longer then swallows and wipes her mouth, "Well, I know someone who sells a lot of 'unique' elixirs and sometimes he would send me some that are 'suspicious' through a teleportation spell. I only met him a few times, but we have a good relationship. But it looks like he must have been in a rush because he sent the crate to near the edge of your village so I had to get them back without bring too much attention to myself." She explains.

Hiccup nods his head, "I get it. Considering that whatever was in the bottle that made me grow this tall, they are safer in your hands." He says, pointing out his height. (Y/N) gives him a smile in thanks. Midnight finishes eating and yawn but then she becomes alert as she turns her head around, like an owl, to try and find something. "Midnight, what's wrong?" (Y/N) asks. The Stormcutter then growls as she lowers her body and fires a shot of fire at the forest. A startled roar was heard and a familiar Night Fury appears. "Toothless!" Hiccup exclaims, moving to be on his hands and knees. Said dragon looks up and gives a gummy smile to his friend as he rushes over to him.

(Y/N) drops her stick as she grabs her staff and hurries over to Midnight, "It's okay. It's okay, M. They're friends." She soothes the night-sky skinned dragon. Midnight calms down as her pupils dilate as Hiccup lowers himself as Toothless rubs his face against his. "I know. I know, it's so good to see you too, bud." Hiccup says as he smiles. He gently rubs Toothless and the Night Fury purrs from the action. (Y/N) smiles fondly at the moment between the two. But then Toothless sees her and narrows his eyes at her.

She becomes surprised but then looks at her staff then makes eye contact with Toothless as she slowly lowers herself and puts her staff on the ground. She raises her hand to show she was not a threat as she slowly rises and gently kicks her staff away. Midnight looks at Toothless with a challenging look then Hiccup feels the tension and gently rests a hand on Toothless, "It's okay, Toothless. She's a friend." He tells him. Toothless looks at him then at (Y/N), who softly smiles at him with trusting (E/C) eyes.

He calms down as he slowly walks up to her. Midnight growls lowly at him but (Y/N) gives her a soft look to signal her to remain calm. She does so but still remains cautious of the Night Fury. She steps back to give (Y/N) and Toothless some spaces and Toothless stops a few feet in front of her and (Y/N) moves her hand in front of her and waits for Toothless to approach her. Toothless moves forward and sniffs her hand, his pupils narrow at the familiar scent then looks at the witch. She sees that she has a nervous smile as she waits for what he will do next. His pupils then dilate as he sees that she does not have maliciousness then closes his eyes as he leans forward, his nose pressing into (Y/N)'s hand.

The woman sighs in relief as she softly pets the Night Fury's head. Toothless purrs from the affection and Midnight calms herself, seeing that the ebony dragon is not a threat. Hiccup watches the whole thing with a soft smile as he moves to sit in on his knees. "Sorry about earlier, but I did not want to hurt you." She apologizes. Toothless looks at her with big eyes and gives her a gummy smile. She giggles softly as she gives him some scratches on the chin. Toothless closes his eyes as he purrs loudly form the feeling. Midnight walks over to be next to Hiccup as the two watch the nice scene. "Maybe this won't be so bad." Hiccup mutters to himself. Now feeling less alone than when this whole thing started.

A Giant Hiccup (Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now