Chapter 10: The End?

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Several people where sitting at a banquet table enjoying a feast and celebrating the victory of not getting Jotunheim destroyed.

Thor wandered past the table, and his friends, not really in a celebratory mood. He passed his mother and gave her a smile as he continued to walk away.

Sif came up beside Frigga to offer her condolences. "My Queen, I'm so sorry for your loss."

"How is he?" Frigga asked.

"He mourns the loss of his brother, and he misses her. The mortal." Sif told her.

"And what about (Y/n)?"

Sif sighed heavily. "She loved him. And it was obvious he loved her. She misses him greatly."


Thor walked outside onto a balcony where his father was and stood next to him.

"You'll be a wise King." Odin said.

"There will never be a wiser King than you. Or a better father." Thor complimented. "I have much to learn. I know that now. Someday, perhaps, I shall make you proud."

Odin turned to Thor and he placed a hand on his shoulder. "You've already made me proud."


Thor made his way to the end of the now broken rainbow bridge, seeing (Y/n) sitting on the edge, looking out into space where Loki had fallen.

He sat down next to her and took a deep breath. " are you holding up?" He asked.

(Y/n) shrugged. "I miss him."

Thor nodded and put an arm around her shoulders. "I know you loved him."

She leaned her head on his shoulder. "I still do."

Thor leaned his head on hers. "I know."


Dr. Selvig was walking down he dark hallway of a building, looking around in slight confusion.

"Dr. Selvig." A voice greeted.

Selvig turned and saw a bald man with dark skin and an eye patch looking at him.

Selvig started walking towards him. "So you're the man behind all this? It's quite the labyrinth. I was thinking they're taking me down here to kill me." He joked.

"I've been hearing about the New Mexico situation. Your work has impressed a lot of people who are much smarter than I am." The man said.

Selvig shrugged. "I have a lot to work with. The Foster Theory. A gateway to another dimension. It's unprecedented...isn't it?"

"Legend tells us one thing, history, another. But every now and then, we find something that belongs to both." The man walked over to a silver briefcase that was sitting on a table. He opened it up to reveal a glowing blue cube inside.

Selvig furrowed his brows. "What is it?"

"Power, doctor. If we can figure out how to tap it, maybe unlimited power." The man revealed.

Beside Selvig was a mirror. And in the reflection, Loki appeared right next to Selvig. Though in reality, no one could actually see him.

Loki eyed the cube and smirked to himself. "Well, I guess that's worth a look." He whispered.

"Well, I guess that's worth a look." Selvig repeated.


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