Step sibling

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Lisa pov.
The school is done finally I'm can escaped from the jerkook even though he was he was annoying and playboy but he was cute and handsome

Jungkook pov.
School ended it's so boring I can't play with any girl because of that Lisa she's interesting.

Lisa pov.
After arrived at my house I went to room to freshen up.Dad also say that wear a dress we are going to eat outside with our guest when I ask him whois the guest he say it was a surprise after I take my shower I went to my wardrobe to take a new dress

Dad also say that wear a dress we are going to eat outside with our guest when I ask him whois the guest he say it was a surprise after I take my shower I went to my wardrobe to take a new dress

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I wear the dress that my mom will ask me to wear before she pass away i miss her so much.

I went downstairs to see my dad in suit

Lisa dad: You look beautiful


We went to garage to pick limousine

We went to 5 star restaurants that has been booked by my dad

Lisa pov
When I when in I was shocked to see Jungkook.There he was shocked also
but he looking handsome

There he was shocked alsobut he looking handsome

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Lisa dad:Dear please sit beside Jungkook


Lisa dad: Please

Jungkook mom:We have something to talk with you both

Lisa dad:We are dating and going to get married in next week

Liskook (Lisa and Jungkook):What!! When you guys start dating

Lisa:Dad you never told me

Jungkook: Mom you never told me

Lisa and Jungkook say at the same time

Jungkook mom:We were dating from last three months but we never told you guys

Lisa dad:We are afraid that you guys will not accept

Jungkook:I will accept anything that you want mom it yours life you can do anything that you want

Lisa dad: Lisa how about you are you OK with it
If it's OK today we will move to new house if it's not than

Lisa: I'm OK with it it's your life

Lisa dad:Are you sure


Jungkook mom: Thank you for understanding both of you

Liskook(Jungkook and Lisa): Welcome

Lisa dad:Today we will move to our new house,pack your things up.

Jungkook mom:Sure

Author pov.
After they done eating lunch they went to their house to pack things up and change their clothes

Lisa pov.
Today is last day my memories in this house mom i will miss you so much
but from all of boy why it should be that jerkook.

Lisa outfit

Jungkook outfit

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Jungkook outfit

To be continued

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To be continued

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