Telling parents

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Lisa pov.
I wake up because the of the sun and I was feeling something a bit heavy on me I turned to see Jungkook sleeping beside me he was looking so cute

I wake up because the of the sun and I was feeling something a bit heavy on me I turned to see Jungkook sleeping beside me he was looking so cute

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I took my phone and take pictures of him sleeping to tease him when he wake up

Lisa: Jungkook wake up

Jungkook: Mommy 5 more minutes

Lisa:Yeah wake up I'm not your mommy

Jungkook:Why did you wake me up so early

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Jungkook:Why did you wake me up so early. Today is school leave

Lisa:Mom and dad will come to day. Did you forget

Jungkook:Oh right

Lisa:Go to your room and take bath

Jungkook: Do you want to take shower with me

Lisa:Ewww I don't want. Go get ready faster


after both of them done they were this

after both of them done they were this

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They both went downstairs to eat in dinning room

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They both went downstairs to eat in dinning room



Jungkook: When will mom and dad arrived

Lisa:They will arrive here in thirty minutes more I guess. I'm afraid that they will not accept it

Jungkook: Don't worry they will definitely agree


Jungkook: By the way did you know someone has a take pictures of my handsome face while I was sleeping

Author pov.
He said in teasing voice

Lisa: Wh-o i-s it

Jungkook: You know them

Lisa: Nope I don't think I know them

Jungkook:Doll don't lie to me

Lisa: Why should I lie to you

Jungkook: You took a picture of me while I was sleeping

Lisa: I didn't took your picture

Jungkook: You took it

Lisa:Fine I took pictures of you while you were sleeping because I think is cute

Jungkook: You think I'm cute


Author pov.
Lisa  and Jungkook stop talking because their parents already arrived

Lisa: Hi mom and dad

Jungkook:How was your honeymoon

Lisa dad: It's good

Jungkook mom: It's fine for me

Lisa: Jungkook

Jungkook: I have something to tell you guys

Lisa dad and Jungkook mom: What is it

Jungkook: I hope you guys will accept it for our both

Lisa dad: Tell me

Jungkook: Dad and mom me and Lisa has been in relationship since yesterday

Jungkook mom: What you are joking

Jungkook:No mom it's true I confess to her two days ago but she reject me because she is afraid that you guys will not accept but I want her to be my wife mom

Lisa: Just leave it Jungkook. Mom doesn't like it

Jungkook mom: Who say I doesn't like it. I want Lisa to be not only my step daughter. I want her to be my own daughter or daughter in law

Jungkook: So it's mean your are agree right

Jungkook mom: Yes

Lisa: Dad how about you

Lisa dad: Give me one hour let's me think first about it

Jungkook: Let's give some space to dad to think mom and Lisa

Lisa: I hope you make a good decision

Jungkook mom: Let's leave

Skip after one hour

Lisa dad:My final answer no


Lisa dad:  just kidding i also want Jungkook to be my son in law not my step son

Liskook: So it's mean ok

Jungkook mom and Lisa dad: Yes

To be continued

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