First Night

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Lisa pov.
After the wedding and we went to our new house which is Jungkook and mine

At car
Author pov.
Lisa didn't talk anything because she keep thinking about yesterday

Jungkook: Lisa I'm so happy that you became mine. You are mine and only mine

Author pov.
They arrived at home Jungkook turn to see Lisa were sleeping so Jungkook carry Lisa inside

Jungkook pov.
I carry her she was light as feather even though she is wearing a gown

At their bedroom
Jungkook put Lisa in bed and went to bathroom after done he come out to see Lisa wake up from the bed

Lisa pov.
I wake up from my bed and I turn to see Jungkook in only towel around his waist, showing his abs and water dripping from his hair

Lisa: JUNGKOOK wear your dress

Jungkook: I thought you like it

Lisa: Please go wear your dress

Author pov.
Lisa close her eyes with her hands while Jungkook were smirking and walking towards her and push her to the bed. Jungkook is on top of Lisa. Lisa hands were at Jungkook abs

Lisa: Why you are on top of me. Get up

Jungkook: You like my abs

Lisa: No

Jungkook: Than why your hands

Author pov.
Lisa quickly take her hands from Jungkook

Jungkook: Why you take your hands it's soft for my abs

Lisa: Get up

Lisa: Kiss me first then I get up

Lisa: Cannot

Jungkook: Than I won't get up

Lisa: Really. Your cheeks right

Lisa: No my lips

Lisa: Only your cheeks


Author pov.
Jungkook turn his cheeks to Lisa side. Lisa was about to kiss but Jungkook quickly turn his Lips to Lisa side.

Lisa: You trick me

Jungkook: Thank you doll

Lisa: Really

Author pov.
Jungkook went to his wardrobe while Lisa went to bathroom

In bathroom
Author pov.
Lisa were struggling to open zip of her dress

Lisa pov.
I was struggling to open the zip of my dress. Than someone open my dress.
I turn to see Jungkook smiling

Lisa: What you are doing here. How do you enter. I locked the door already

Jungkook: No the door were not locked and I hear you were nagging so I just open it

Lisa: Seriously Jungkook. Please go out now

Jungkook: You won't say thank you to your husband

Lisa: Thanks and now you may go out

Jungkook: Kiss please

Lisa: Jungkook go out before I beat you

Jungkook: Fine

Author pov.
Jungkook went out and Lisa were taking shower

This is what they both were

This is what they both were

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Lisa pov

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Lisa pov.
After I done I went to my phone that ringing and check who is calling me it's Sehun oppa

In call

Sehun: Hi Lisa how are you

Lisa: Hi oppa

Sehun: You didn't invite me for your wedding

Lisa: No I thought you will be busy so I didn't invite you. Sorry oppa

Sehun: Never mind

Author pov.
They were talking and laughing

Jungkook pov.
I went downstairs and play with my phone than I went to our bedroom and I hear Lisa where laughing while talking in phone call

Jungkook: Who are you talking to

Lisa: Sehun oppa

Author pov.
Jungkook get angry when Lisa were talking to Sehun

In call

Sehun: Who is it

Lisa: Jungkook

Sehun: I will hang the call. I have work to do

Lisa: Ok

Sehun: Bye

Lisa: Bye

At Sehun
Sehun pov.
Why Jungkook keep has to disturbing when I and Lisa were talking

At Liskook

Jungkook: Why do you call him

Lisa: Sehun oppa call me

Jungkook: Why you pick the call up

Lisa: I was talking with him for fun. He ask me why I didn't invite him I just told him that he must be busy with his work

Jungkook: You call him oppa and you didn't even call me oppa or kookie you only keep calling me Jungkook

Lisa: Why are you jealous

Jungkook: Answer my question Lisa why do you call him oppa when you didn't even call your husband oppa or kookie

Lisa: Jungkook he is a best friend for me and I feel comfortable around him that's why I call him oppa as your hyung also I call them oppa

Jungkook: You are not comfortable with me answer me Lisa

Lisa: I feel comfortable with you also

Jungkook: Answer me properly

Author pov.
Jungkook twisted Lisa hand and pull her hair

Jungkook: Answer me

Lisa: It's hurting JUNGKOOK please leave me


Lisa: Jun-gkook I wa-s ju-st tal-ki-ng wi-th hi-m h-e is m-y be-st fr-ie-nd

Author pov.
Lisa were crying in pain. Jungkook went to wadrobe and take a belt and beat Lisa with

Lisa: Jungkook leave me please it's hurts

Jungkook: It's hurting you talk with him my heart is hurt LISA

Author pov.
Jungkook keep beating Lisa and Lisa keep shouting while begging to stop beating her Jungkook couldn't see Lisa crying so he wiped her tears harshly and kissing her roughly he press her Adam's apple to deepen the kiss,he bite her lips and make it bleeding. Lisa couldn't hold on the paint so she just faint

Author pov.
Other member first night was romantic night

To be continued

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