Punishment for losers and Proposal

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Lisa pov.
After the showcase end I saw Nancy so I called her

Lisa: Nancy


Lisa:Is time for your punishment

Nancy:Ok what is it.Clean your house or be your maid

Lisa:Nope I don't want that because you gonna have a lot of fun because Jungkook will be there

Nancy:So are you jealous that we are together

Lisa: Nope I don't care because I don't like him and your punishment is don't come school for one month


Lisa:I don't want to see your face

Nancy:What the hell with you Lisa

Lisa:A loser should listen to the winner

Nancy: Fine

Lisa:Bye Nancy

Author pov.
Lisa went outside and waiting for Jungkook while Nancy was pissed of

Lisa pov.
I went outside and waiting for Jungkook why is he late and then Jungkook came

Jungkook: Congratulations doll

Lisa: Thanks

Jungkook: Because you win i have something for you

Lisa: What is it

Jungkook:I will bring you there.Get in


at the destination

Author pov.
Both of them went out of car and Jungkook put blindfold on Lisa eyes

Lisa:What is it for

Jungkook:Wait doll

Author pov.
Jungkook brought Lisa to a place and the place were like this

Jungkook brought Lisa to a place and the place were like this

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Jungkook open Lisa blindfold

Lisa: It's beautiful

Author pov.
Jungkook kneel down and say

Jungkook:Will you be my girlfriend LALISA MANOBAN

Lisa: Jungkook

Jungkook: Please be my girl

Lisa: I'm sorry Jungkook we are just step sibling if you have feeling for me just erase it

Author pov.
Lisa ran from there leaving Jungkook

Jungkook:Why Lisa I will make sure you are mine and I will not give you to anyone you will love me LALISA MANOBAN

Author pov.
A tears drop from Jungkook eyes

To be continued

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