Party invitation

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Lisa pov.
While I was unpacking my things I feel like someone watching me
I decided to see who is it but I saw no one so I just think there no one
but I can hear someone call doll with husky voice so I turn once again to see that Jerkook standing I mean Jungkook

Lisa: What you want

Jungkook: Don't you know how to speak to your brother

Lisa:We were born in same year but I born first so I'm the eldest hear you should speak politely with me

Jungkook: Even though you are the eldest but you are not taller than me

Lisa:What the

Lisa pov.
Before I could speak that jerkook pin me to the wall

Jungkook: Just keep quiet

Author pov.
He speaks huskily

Lisa: Jungkook what are you doing

Jungkook: Nothing

Lisa:Leave me or else

Jungkook:Or else,you can't do anything you are not stronger than me

Lisa:I can punch or kick you

Jungkook:Try and see

Author pov.
Lisa keep pushing Jungkook but Jungkook isn't moving an inch also Lisa didn't want to give up she still pushing Jungkook until she stop pushing when Jungkook kisses her on lip.She was shocked

Lisa:You stole my first kiss you idiot

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Lisa:You stole my first kiss you idiot

Jungkook:I didn't know that your lips is to sweet I want more

Lisa: Listen hear Jeon Jungkook you can't have any relationship with me because you are my step brother, playboy and mostly important you stole my first kiss.How there you?

Jungkook:I don't care

Lisa:Hey jerkook

Lisa pov.
I was so angry with him until I hear a notification from our group BLACKPINK and Nayeon, Momo,Jihyo unnie

In Message

Jichu:Hi guys



Lisa:Unnie I want to tell you guys about something

Naboong:What is it

Lisa: It's about my dad is dating with Jungkook mom they want to married within next week

God Jihyo:OMG

Momori:You are step sibling with Jungkook

Lisa:Yes and I hate it


Nini:We all also had in an invatition for tonight party from your dad

Lisa: Wait what

Rosie:Yes you don't know


Naboong:Ask your dad


God Jihyo:Bye

Momori:I'm going to spend time with my boyfriend


To be continued

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