Happy ending part 2

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Jungkook pov.
They all arrived

Jungkook: I will go

All except Jungkook: All the best Jungkook

Jungkook pov.
I went to car and start driving.
I'm going to see Lisa because I think when she is sad she will be at beach I hope I can see her

Skip at beach

Jungkook pov.
I were finding Lisa but I didn't saw her until I heard someone were shouting he turned to see Lisa in this

I were finding Lisa but I didn't saw her until I heard someone were shouting he turned to see Lisa in this

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Author pov.
Lisa were laughing while catching the kids and Jungkook were smiling like idiot while were running Lisa bump into Jungkook

Lisa: I'm sorry sir

Jungkook: Lisa

Author pov.
Jungkook held Lisa hand but she pull her hand harshly

Lisa: I'm sorry sir you can't touch me

Jungkook: LISA listen to me

Author pov.
Lisa just ignore Jungkook and want to go but Jungkook pull her by her waist

Jungkook: Why you can't listen to me Lisa

Author pov
A tears drop from Jungkook eyes and Lisa look away because she can't see Jungkook crying

Jungkook: I know that you still love me LALISA MANOBAN

Lisa: I didn't and won't love you anymore Jungkook I will only hate you

Jungkook: Lisa look at me

Author pov.
Lisa look at Jungkook and saw tears from his eyes she wanted to cry also but she control herself

Jungkook: Lisa you will still love me. You are mine doll


Author pov.
Before Lisa could end her word Jungkook kiss her but this time patiently

Jungkook: I will only love you Lisa and I know that you love me also let your tears come out doll

Lisa: Jungkook

Author pov.
Lisa cry hard because she miss and still love Jungkook even though she try to hate him

Jungkook: Shhhhhhhh. Calm down I'm here with you

Lisa: Jungkook I love you too but I can't when you do like a that you are to possessive

Jungkook: I will try to change for you but please don't leave me

Lisa: I won't leave you Jungkook

Author pov.
Jungkook kiss her and drive her home

At home

Author pov.
They were waiting for Liskook. Lisa and Jungkook enter the house

All except Liskook: Finally you guys are together

Lisa: They know

Jungkook: Yes

Author pov.
All of them were talking and laughing

Jungkook: Lisa I will always love you no matter where I am

Lisa: Me too Jungkook

The end

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