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Skip tomorrow morning

Lisa pov.
I wake up from my bed in tent I turned to Jungkook he still sleeping

I wake up from my bed in tent I turned to Jungkook he still sleeping

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Lisa: Wake up Jungkook

Author pov.
He didn't wake up

Lisa: Jungkook wake up

Author pov.
He still didn't wake up

Lisa: Kookie wake up

Jungkook: I'm awake

Lisa: Really Jungkook

Jungkook: What

Lisa: Whatever Jungkook I'm going to take shower

Jungkook: Morning kiss please

Lisa: No morning kiss you has bad breath

Jungkook: I will definitely need a kiss

Author pov.
Jungkook pull Lisa hand and kiss her

Jungkook: Bye doll and thank you

Lisa pov.
After done this is what I wore

I went outside to see Jungkook in this

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I went outside to see Jungkook in this

I went outside to see Jungkook in this

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Author pov.
In each tent there are two bathroom

Lisa pov.
I saw Unnie and oppa were coming to us

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