Break up and Marriage preparation

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Jungkook pov.
I was so happy dad and mom say ok to the marriage but the only problem is Nancy. How I'm going to break up with her she is obsessed with me so i just message her to meet at park near her house. I grab my key but before going out Lisa ask me where I'm going I just lie to her and tell meet my hyung.

Skip at park

I arrived there and I saw Nancy

Nancy:Hi kookie


Nancy:Why you want to meet me. Did you miss me

Jungkook: Listen hear Nancy this is very important

Nancy: What is it

Jungkook: Let's break up. Because I have to married with Lisa

Nancy:What Jungkook that bitch Lisa

Author pov.
Jungkook slapped Nancy

Nancy:Why did you that

Jungkook: Don't called her bitch you are bitch

Nancy: You support her over your girlfriend

Jungkook: Listen hear I love Lisa and I will only love her. I didn't love you I was just playing with you

Nancy: Kookie

Jungkook: Stop calling me kookie only Lisa can called me like that

Nancy: Jungkook

Author pov.
Jungkook left Nancy at the park take his car and went home

Nancy pov.
I will destroyed your relationship Lisa. Jungkook is mine

Jungkook pov.
I arrived at home and Lisa she in her bedroom so I went to her bedroom I knocked before I enter her bedroom.

(Author pov.
Girl need privacy)

Lisa pov.
Mom and dad went to shopping and they ask us to prepare for our wedding but with our friends. Jungkook doesn't know yet because he went outside with oppa so I just went to my bedroom and watching phone than I hear knocked on my door. I think it's Jungkook I open the door and it's was Jungkook

Lisa: Jungkook get ready we are going outside

Jungkook: Where

Lisa: For our marriage preparation mom and dad ask us to prepare with unnie and oppa because in one week we will get married

Jungkook: I think we should make all of us married at the same day

Lisa: What do you mean by that

Jungkook: I mean noona and hyung will also get married in a same day of our wedding

Lisa: Together

Jungkook: Yes

Lisa: Great idea but can we do that idiot

Jungkook: Of course we can

Lisa:Ok than for me

Jungkook: Let's get ready than


After they done this is what they wearing



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