Child Introduction

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Skip tomorrow morning

Lisa pov.
I wake up from my bed and my head were in bandage I remember what happened yesterday I want to leave Jungkook but he hit my head with vase. I hate him and I want to leave him but how I keep thinking until

Jungkook: Good morning Doll

Lisa: What are you doing here

Author pov.
Lisa said coldly

Jungkook: Seeing my wife

Lisa: Your wife is the one that you beat

Jungkook: I didn't beat you because I want to but you make me angry

Lisa: I make you angry Jungkook. I always try to be a perfect wife for you but you are has only possessiveness not love

Jungkook: Don't talk rubbish with me Lisa. Go take shower

Author pov.
Lisa live try to hate Jungkook but she couldn't she fall for him more. About Nancy she went away already

After one year

Author pov.
Lisa and Jungkook live happily with their daughter and son but still Jungkook has the possessiveness not love he get angry when Lisa go out with a man other than his hyung so he always will beat her with belt,kick her stomach,kiss her lips roughly, bite her lips and make her lips bleeding but the child doesn't know how Jungkook beat Lisa

Author pov.

Introduce Liskook Daughter and Son


Jeon Lia

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Jeon Lia


Jeon Seol

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Jeon Seol

Other member Son and Daughter




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