Party and drunk

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Lisa pov.
I went to downstairs to see dad,mom (Jungkook mom) and that jerkook
I saw him with a smirk in the face

Lisa:Dad is there any party for tonight

Lisa dad:Yes who told you


Lisa dad:Yes today we have a party remember wear a beautiful dress

Skip at night

Lisa pov.
After taking shower I went to my wardrobe to choose dress and I choose this

After taking shower I went to my wardrobe to choose dress and I choose this

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I went downstairs to see only that Jerkook i saw him smirking at me

Author pov.
By the way this is how he looks like

By the way this is how he looks like

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Lisa pov.
He looks so hot and handsome but he just a playboy

Jungkook pov.
I saw Lisa coming down she was gorgeous and hot so I just smirk at her

Lisa:Why are you smirking

Jungkook:To see my favorite doll looking sexy and hot

Lisa:Where dad and mom

Jungkook: There are at the party place


Jungkook:Where are you going

Lisa:To the garage to take my car

Jungkook: You are not going anyway without me

Lisa: Who are you to told me that

Jungkook: Your future husband

Lisa:What are you serious you are just my step sibling nothing more than that

Jungkook:For you not for me.I want to be more than just be a step brother, I want to be your boyfriend or husband

Lisa: Listen we are just step sibling

Jungkook:We are more than step sibling

Author pov.
Jungkook dragged Lisa to the car and put the seat belt on her and just drive away

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