Pregnant and cheating

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Skip at morning

Lisa pov.
I wake up and went to bathroom to take a shower after done this is what I wore

I wake up and went to bathroom to take a shower after done this is what I wore

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I went downstairs to see Jungkook in this

I went downstairs to see Jungkook in this

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Jungkook: I'm going office

Lisa: Yes

Author pov.
Jungkook went to car and start driving

At Lisa

Lisa pov.
After Jungkook went I got notification from Sehun oppa

In Message

Sehun: Lisa please meet me at park near your house

Lisa pov.
I'm afraid to meet him but I'm feeling guilty if I doesn't meet him because Jungkook beat him yesterday so I just went to park near my house

Author pov.
This is what Sehun wore

This is what Sehun wore

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At park

Lisa: What is it oppa

Sehun: I'm sorry about yesterday

Lisa: It's ok I'm also sorry went Jungkook beat you

Author pov.
While they were talking Lisa feel dizzy so she just faint

Sehun: Lisa what happened wake up

Author pov.
Sehun carry Lisa to the car and brought her to hospital

At hospital

Sehun: Doctor please help her

Doctor: I will

Author pov.
After done checking doctor came and ask

Doctor: Are you her husband

Sehun: No I'm her best friend

Doctor: Congratulations she is pregnant

Sehun: What wow

Doctor: I will go now because I have important work to do

Sehun: Thank you doctor

Doctor: Welcome

At Lisa and Sehun

Author pov.
Lisa wake up

Lisa: What happened Sehun. Where I am

Sehun: Lisa you are at hospital

Lisa: What happened

Sehun: You faint at park and I carry you here

Lisa: Thank you but why I faint

Sehun: You idiot you are pregnant

Lisa: What

Sehun: Yes idiot you are pregnant. You are going to be a mother, Jungkook going to be a father and I'm going to be an uncle

Lisa: I want to meet Jungkook

Sehun: You may go but take care yourself

Lisa: I will. Thank you oppa

Lisa pov.
I was so happy that I'm going to be a mother and Jungkook is the father.
I'm going to surprise him so I just went to office

Skip at office

Lisa pov.
I went to Jungkook room to see him kissing Nancy. He were cheating on me. I don't know what to do I just ran from there

Jungkook pov.
I was busy checking file until Nancy come

I was busy checking file until Nancy come

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Nancy: Hi kookie how are you

Jungkook: Sir Nancy not Kookie. Only Lisa can call me like that

Nancy: Really

Jungkook pov.
I saw she smirking at me than she came and kiss me and I saw Lisa were there I saw tears from her eyes. I push Nancy but Lisa ran away


Jungkook: You Nancy you are fired

Nancy: As if I care Jungkook. I already destroyed your relationship

Author pov.
Jungkook ran from there and follow Lisa

Jungkook: Doll wait

Author pov.
Lisa took a taxi and ask the taxi to drive her home while Jungkook were following the taxi by his car

At home

Author pov.
Lisa went to her bedroom and take out luggage and start packing things

Jungkook: Lisa what are you doing keep your things back. Don't make me get angry

Lisa: What you are going to beat me. Beat me Jungkook I don't care

Author pov.
Lisa went downstairs and about to leave but she faint because Jungkook hit her head with vase

Jungkook: You are only mine DOLL

To be continued

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