Part 16 - Sera's First Collab

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Sera: Hi... B4S3D....

Y/N: Hi... Seraphine... let's not make this weird...

Sera: Alright, let's start over, hi Y/N.

Y/N: Hey Sera, can I call you that?

Sera: Of course!

A shorter girl, shorter than Eve somehow.

She has sparkling blue eyes, mesmerizing as they glisten in the faint light of the hallway.

She has pink hair, halfway down it fades into blue, that was... mine and Irie's idea...

She's not hot, she's not gorgeous.

Well, she is, but she is very cute.

Don't... you promised Eve, Y/N.

Wait... no I didn't... well, she'll be really upset, you can't.

And, knowing Eve, she WILL find out if you try anything.

Sera: You alright?

Y/N: I am, I've just never seen a woman as cute as you befo-OOP!

I cover my mouth in embarrassment.

I'm just doing it from my gut, it's not even me controlling it.

I might have a problem to rizz up every girl I meet.

But... no wait, I did hit on Jinx once.

Sera giggles, looking up in my eyes with a smirk, taking her guitar off her back.

She begins to blush.

Sera: T-thank you... I like to take my looks seriously.

Y/N: Don't we all, why do you think I bought this place?! Come on in.

Sera comes in, taking her shoes off and putting them next to mine.

She's home-grown, that's better than most people... who don't take their shoes off at the entrance.

Sera: Wow... you really made it your own, where's all your art?

Y/N: I took a lot of it down, it was just... weird... musical pieces and harpsicords and what not. Anyway, let's go to the studio!

I take her into the bedroom studio, and she goes.

Sera: Woah... no... fucking way... THIS IS SONA'S STUDIO!!! You bought Sona's old apartment!

Y/N: So, that's who it was! Oh, that explains the year's supply of tampons under the sink! Holy shit...

Sera: It would've been better to say something like... "oh, that's why there are three keyboards in the back corner!" But... you do you, I guess.

We both share a giggle, then she immediately gets to unpacking.

She sits on the couch and sets her guitar down.

Sera: You ever listen to the song, Childhood Dreams? Well, I want to do a cover of that.

Y/N: It was always a little boring in the sample department, like... whoever made that sample for her should be fired, honestly.

Sera: So, I heard your Pentakill song, want to do something similar?

Y/N: We have a drumkit in there, I got an idea already... wait... let me think.

Yeah... that's it.

Make a sample with the drums, get Sera to play her acoustic.

I can splice it and warp it however I want it.

"B4S3D" And Music-Pilled (K/DA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now