5. Reputation

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Otto woke with a body sprawled out beside him. He stared down at Davina and gently touched her bare shoulder. What happened last night? He wasnt drunk, he didnt have barely anything yet he felt high, his head hurt his body was sore. He closed his eyes rubbing at his temple and he remembered. 

Otto had pinned her against the wall and went to kiss her. She moved her head so he couldn't. He tried again and she laughed as she moved her head away again. He grabbed her face and forced his lips onto hers. She wasn't going to make it easy for him. He didnt know why he expected anything with davina to be easy. 

He stared down at her and the night flashed before his eyes. The way she pulled him close finding a corner of the world that was just for them, just for the moment. Just for the night. 

How did they get here? His home, they were walking but now they were in his bed. 

Thats right, He had pulled her inside and shut the door. She pulled away from him and walked backwards as he followed her. As he walked he undid his trousers letting his belt hang loosely around him. She had smiled, Otto remembered that sexy come get me smile. 

She had to stop him as she backed into a table. He was so close yet not quite touching her. She wanted to devour him. He swept the items off the table onto the floor and pushed her back, she laughed as his face took on a serious expression.

She perched on the edge of the table and he thrust her legs apart and slammed his hips between her legs. He took her hand and placed it on his trousers.

Davina drove him insane. She grabbed his cock and pushed his trousers over his hips, she laughed and moved closer so he could kiss her again. Otto had wanted her now, he wanted her more with every breath he took. She took his hand and placed it between her legs, her dress skirt already pushed up to her hips. She worked his swollen cock but it didn't need much as she grabbed it, he was already rock hard. His fingers slipped her panties to one side and found their way into her hot silky wet cunt and she sighed with delight. She threw her head back but it still wasn't enough.

Otto hadnt remembered the last time he did this with a woman as he had continued with his fingers playing with her clit as he kissed her neck, then pushed a finger deep inside. She had whimpered. 

Otto stared down at her sleeping so contently and he remembered that drop dead gorgeous grin of hers and had plunged his mouth onto her neck.

He had took his cock in his hand and grabbed her by the ass, shoving himself into her. He grunted hard as he pounded into her, she leaned back on the table and wrapped her legs around him, pulling every inch deeper inside. He was grunting and the table began to move across the floor from the force of his thrusts.

Davina had moaned as the sensation of his cock ramming into her took over. Otto had not disappointed her. A man with as many children as he had hopefully knew what he was doing. 

He had increased his speed as he pulled her upright and picked her up off the table and walked around it, pushing her up against the wall.

"Oh, yes... don't stop! Fffuck," she slurred out. "harder!" She screamed. A smile curved his face, as he pounded into her his cock nearly ripping her apart and she loved it. His rhythm sped up and he grabbed a handful of hair pulling her head to one side biting at her neck and down her exposed collar bone.

"Sevens!" Otto shouted, the heels of Davina's feet digging into the back of his thighs. He pushed into her deeper and deeper and she cried out. She tightened her thighs around him as she stiffened and her orgasm exploded forcing him to shoot his hot sticky cum before he really wanted to, he never wanted this moment to end. 

Staring at her now, he didnt remember how her dress came off, how or where his clothes had been discarded it was a blur of pleasure. He hoped when she woke it wouldnt be just that night. Something he never thought he would say but Otto Hightower wanted Davina Targaryen. 

Davina got dressed and attempted to slip out while Otto was making breakfast he moved to the bed chamber and noticed Davina peering under the bed. 

"I always lose my shoes under the bed." Davina remarked, grumbling to herself. "Where did you go?"

"You left those on the trail." Otto corrected. Davina's head popped up and he smiled holding out a tea cup. She rose shaking her head. 

"I should go. Last night was fun but I need to find my shoes." Davina offered. 

"Sure, right..." Otto agreed slowly. 

"We dont have to tell Viserys about this..." Davina added. 

"What happens between consenting adults stays between consenting adults." Otto agreed. 

"Great." Davina agreed. "Bye." 

"Are you... embarrassed?" Otto questioned. Davina turned back to face him. 

"No. We just have a reputation of hating each other and that- this-" she gestured between them. "would be bad for that reputation. You understand, right?" 

"And if I no longer want to have that sort of reputation with you?" Otto pondered. 

"Well..." Davina hesitated. "I... have to go." She decided as she quickly made her way to the door. What had she done?

Now That We Don't Talk / Otto Hightower / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now