17. Little Fucker

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'Your grace.' Otto tipped his head to viserys

'Are you ready?' Viserys questioned.

"I am.' Otto agreed. "Just keep praying she doesnt change her mind."

"I best check on her then." Viserys agreed. He didnt know what to think but he knew that Otto loved his sister and Davina wouldnt be agreeing to this union if she didnt love him or at least like him too.


"Vis, I'm so fat!" Davina demanded as she burst out of her dress. "I'm suffocating! Loosen the straps." she begged. Viserys nodded moving to her. He felt her suck in a deep breath as she felt her bodice loosen. "Thanks."

" 'I'm so happy for you Davina. You are going to be a wonderful mother, I know it." Viserys remarked. Davina smiled softly back at him. 

"I never thought about it before... Otto is quite persuasive, the marriage thing... you think he will tolerate me that long? Think we will kill each other in the first moon?"

"I think the real question is when Fury will have his fun." Viserys mused. 

"Those were accidents, dont give my baby a bad reputation." Davina tsked. She felt a pinch in her stomach, her hand moved to her stomach as her jaw clenched. 

"Best move quickly, huh?" Viserys remarked and Davina nodded eagerly.

"There you are." Alicent remarked. 

"Ah, Alicent... Do i look alright?" Otto questioned. 

"Of course, you look like normal." Alicent agreed. Otto hesitated. 

"It's my wedding, I'm supposed to look better than normal." Otto countered. 

"We all know that everyone is going to be looking at Davina anyways." Alicent countered. "But its nice you want to look nice for your bride... you look nice father."

"Thank you, Alicent."

Even nine moons pregnant all eyes were on Davina, she was glowing. Otto smiled back at Davina grabbing her hands.

'Let it be known that Davina of house Targaryen and Otto of house Hightower are one heart, one flesh and one soul.' The septon declared. 'cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder. In the sight of the Seven,-' Davina cringed grabbing her stomach

'Davina?' Otto questioned, nerves filled him. 

'Hurry up old man'. Davina shouted

'Babys coming?' Viserys questioned

'Hurry the fuck up.' Davina demanded.

'I hereby seal these two souls, binding-' another contraction and Davina screamed out about to break Otto's hands. '-them as one for all eternity. Say the words.' the septon said hurriedly.

'Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother-'

'Fuck!" Davina shouted.

'Close enough.' Viserys assured. 

'I am his'

"I have done this twice, lets just move on." Davina begged. 

''she is mine, From this day-' Otto agreed. 

'Oh my GODS.' Davina shouted doubling over. "This is awful! Why do women do this!" She demanded. 

'In the presence-'

'Faster!'' Davina demanded.

'Man and wife.' The septon declared. "Congratulations." he offered awkwardly. 

 ''Someone help her deliver a baby.' Viserys demanded.


Screams echoed down the halls, Davina hated this, this right here was why she didnt want to have children, as if harboring this child for nine moons wasnt enough, now she had to force him into the world. So viciously.

 Pushing out a baby was hard work she felt like she was being torn apart. She gripped Otto's hand tight as she pushed and pushed screamed and groaned, her body slick with sweat as it seemed to go on forever. And Ever... and Ever!

 She tried to think back to when Alicent gave birth and she seemed to bounce back so quickly. Maybe it was because Alicent was a youngster.  Davina felt like for sure she would be lying in bed for a month, that this pain would never go away but then the cries of a baby filled the room.

'You did it.' Otto told her pressing a kiss to her head.

'It's a baby boy look princess, you did it, a baby boy.' The hand maiden said holding him up and wrapping him in a little blanket.

'A boy.' Davina repeated looking to Otto. 

'Boy.' he echoed proudly as the baby was placed in Davina's arms.

"You little fucker." Davina whispered down to her baby. Otto choked out a laugh. 


"You didnt feel the pain I went through to get him out of my body, after all I did to protect him? And thats how he repays me?" Davina demanded. The baby snuggled into her and she sighed. "And of course he is so stinking cute too... thats how they get away with everything. They are cute and they cuddle into your arms and you are just expected to forget the hell they put your body through." Davina shook her head. "Well I dont and I'm mad at you..." The baby yawned out. "Alright I love you." Davina decided after a long moment. "I forgive you..." Otto smiled touching the babies little toes. 

"Um... why am I still... this?" Davina gestured around her stomach. "I thought it would go away when the baby came." 

"I'm sorry princess."

Davina groaned staring down at her baby again. 

"It's like I didnt even give birth to you." Davina murmured kissing his little face. 

'Hows everyone?' Viserys questioned. 'Oh congratulations davina, hes beautiful.''

"He's a pain in the butt but he is beautiful." Davina agreed. 

''Whats his name? Does he have a name?"' Viserys questioned reaching over and touching his little arm.

"Thats a good question." Davina agreed looking to Otto. "What to name the little fucker?"

Now That We Don't Talk / Otto Hightower / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now