18. Bae

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"No." Davina corrected. It had been a moon and the baby was still being called lil fucker. By Davina that is. She loved her baby but a name was something he would have forever. And ever. It needed to be right.

"Davina," otto begged. "We have to pick a name. Alicent and Rhaenyra will both have given birth by the time we agree on one." Davina scooped up Lil Fucker and threw him in the air.

"Mini me." Davina decided. "Right bae? My little baby is a mini me?"

"Davina," Otto tsked.

"He loves flying, he's a natural already, you know he fed from me mid flight, that was impressive." Davina remarked. Otto sighed sitting beside her, the couch shifted with his weight causing her to lean into him. "It has to be perfect." Davina repeated.

"I know." Otto agreed. "What about Oberyn?"

"Oberyn?" Davina questioned.

"Yes. What do you think?"

"You just like it because it starts with an O to match you.' davina countered.

"Do you like the name or not?"

"It's a fine name but not my baby."

"What about Baelon?" Otto questioned. 'After your father." Davina stared back at him.

"I like lil fucker." Davina mused. "Baelon... Bae, what do you think Bae?" Davina chuckled. "It fits I have been calling baby as well. He already answers to it." Otto chuckled kissing her temple.

"I'm glad you approve." Otto agreed. "Maybe we tell your brother the good news so he stops asking as well."

"Baelon! Oh thats lovely, about time too." Viserys remarked.

"It was an important choice, I'm never doing that again." Davina countered.

"Never say never-" otto countered but davina scowled back at him.

"I would rather have your testicles removed." Davina corrected. Ottos hands dropped as if to protect himself from davina threat. Viserys chuckled. 

Otto had a surprise planned for Davina, he wanted it to be perfect. Now that their child had a name he wanted to have a space outside of the capital to call home with her. He set up a nursery at his home for Baelon. 

Davina had been staying in the castle because she liked the fact that she could pass off her child and get some sleep but she woke up grumbling that she was a bad mother whenever she did so Otto thought it better to have a smaller space where they could relax and enjoy the early days of parenthood, together. 

"Otto, I'm not a walker I'm a flyer." Davina grumbled. 

"We are almost there." Otto countered smiling down at Baelon as they walked. "Look at you handsome," Baelon looked to Davina with wide eyes. "Definitely a mama's boy." Davina glanced to Baelon as he smiled a gummy smile back at her, she reached out stroking his head. 

"We are home." Davina answered confused. Otto liked that even though she hadnt lived her officially, she had just stayed over a few times, that she called this place home too. 

"We are." Otto agreed. "And I was thinking we move in officially." 

"Okay." Davina agreed. "Did you make carrot cake?" 

That was too easy. 

"Wonderful." Otto agreed. "Another surprise..." he moved to the room that used to be Alicent's. 

"Oh Otto." Davina whispered as he put Baelon in the crib. Baelon made a fuss reaching up for them instantly.

"You like it?"

 "It's very green." Davina added honestly. 

"An artist from Bravvos is in dorne, she is making her way up to paint a mural for Baelon." Otto assured. "You are tell her to paint anything you want."

"Dragons. He needs a dragon, it can be a green dragon." Davina offered. Otto looked around, the room was very green. 

"Well the castle is very red and black." Otto countered. 

"As it should be." Davina agreed her gaze shifting slowly to him. Otto chuckled as Davina picked up Baelon. 

"You would want to stay here?" Otto questioned. Davina nodded. "THen lets decide how you want to ruin our bed chamber with reds." He kissed her neck and Davina smiled into him. 

If anyone would have asked Otto two years ago if he would have been so completely in love with Davina, moving her into his home,  kissing her neck and smiling down at their baby, he would have called them a clueless idiot. They hated each other. 

But they didnt hate each other, due to many unseen circumstances, but mainly one very cute Aegon- they had come together, bonded and now were forever bonded through their child. Davina plopped down on his bed and held Baelon up over her head as she lay down. Baelon smiled down at her. 

"Hi Bae, you like your new home? Is it too damn green? Yes it is, yes it is." She cooed lowering him to her as she kissed him. Otto sat down beside them reaching out to her. He stroked a hand against her arm. 

"Home." Otto whispered laying beside her. Davina turned her cheek to him. She rested her chin on his shoulder, closing her eyes. 

"Home." She agreed. "It will be good to put some distance between you and Viserys." She added. Otto chuckled. 

"You noticed that tension too?" 

"It's impossible not to." Davina agreed. 

Now That We Don't Talk / Otto Hightower / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now