15. Blame it On the Pregnancy

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"Can we do this a little bit longer?" Otto asked, his lips brushing against davinas temple again. Forever, he thought. He hoped as he clung to her holding her in this comforting hug.

"If that's what you want. I'm sure I can endure it for a little longer." Davina teased not letting go.

Otto had fallen for Davina. True to his word he didnt leave kinds landing, Alicent liked that her father was around, liked that Davina made him happy.

Viserys was demanding a wedding, he couldnt believe Otto had fucked his baby sister and now she was pregnant and he wasnt marrying her. Okay he could believe it because Davina was always in charge from the day she was born it seemed.

Otto had asked, a few times actually but Davina said no. She was against marriage as much as she was against children, but she was having this baby. She was going to love this baby. This baby was going to be her everything.

She could already tell. Marriage on the other hand was still a no go. She didnt care if this baby was a bastard. She would challenge anyone to call her baby a bastard and see what happened.

Davina liked that this baby would have a friend in Alicent's future child and RHaenyra's. They were all going to be the same age. Davina did find it strange that Rhaenyra's stomach was larger than Alicent's however, when she had been married for a little over five moons.

"I'll put a ring on that finger soon enough." Otto remarked as davina struggled with her clothes that did not fit. Davina glanced over her shoulder as him before she backed up enough to take him in.

"Did you want that to sound like a threat?" Davina pondered. He glared, and she bit back a giggle.

Davina loved sparring with him more than she had ever loved getting along with anyone else and he knew it too.

"You know what I meant." Otto tsked.

"Yeah I do..." Davina took a step forward. "Or else." she breathed back. Otto hummed out a laugh as he kissed her forehead.

"I love you and that sassy mouth of yours. Now can I tell you my proposal ... my idea, I mean?" Otto corrected.

"I'd rather hear about the proposal." Davina corrected.

"No." Otto corrected. "You are clearly not ready for it."

"Your threats dont scare me old man."

"An old man you like to bed.' Otto corrected.

"Dont remind me." Davina groaned flopping into bed.

Viserys liked that davina was in a good mood. Sure she was unwed and pregnant and their father would have a fit and probably drop dead if he knew half the trouble davina got into but in the end they would be happy davina was happy.

Viserys leaned back in his chair as Davina and Otto had a conversation over supper without actually speaking. Davina glanced Otto's way accusatorily and he straightened his shoulders taking a sip of his wine. Otto's hand moved to cover Davina's trilling hands over the table  and she rolled her neck cracking her joints back into place or out of place for all the cracking who knew. 

Alicent was just as curious with her father and Davina's silent conversation. They shared a look as Viserys spoke and Davina brought a casual hand, fingers curled down to cover her mouth, her eyes stuck on Otto. 

They mastered the art of communicating without talking to each other.

Was this flirting? Viserys questioned, was his little sister flirting with Otto HIghtower? 

What was Davina doing? That's right she was flirting.

With Otto of all people.




Davina didnt have a clue, she was blaming this pregnancy.

Now That We Don't Talk / Otto Hightower / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now