24. Fuck It. I Accept

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Loving yous a little bit hard sometimes / Bruce Banner out now!

Lyonel was a good hand but otto was right that day viserys sacked him. Viserys needed someone to tell him the truth not just what he wanted to hear.

He had a feeling it had something to do with the fact that Jacaerys Velaryon looked nothing like his father. Viserys could ignore the rumors but when he spoke to Rhaenyra about it she just shrugged, saying they got their Baratheon roots from their grandmother Rhaenys side. 

Viserys wanted her to trust him, he did so much for her over the years and she just pushed him aside as if he wasnt her father, just some old man that did her bidding. 

He did. He did her bidding. Rhaenyra never liked Otto and Viserys got rid of him because Rhaenyra commanded it. She made commands of the king and Viserys like a fool, listened. 

Now Lyonels motives and biases was tainted. Not that Otto's wouldnt be but Otto always told him the truth. Even if Viserys didnt want to hear it.   

"I have been thinking a lot about heirs." Viserys remarked. Lyonel put his papers down and stared back at Viserys. 

"You have?" 

"Yes... I named her because I thought it was best but Rhaenyra and Alicent have been nothing but bitter towards each other. Rhaenyra acts as if she is already queen and Alicent doesnt stand up for herself." 

"Of course." Lyonel agreed. 

"I know the people thought me a fool naming Rhaenyra the heir and maybe they were right."  Viserys offered watching Lyonel hesitate lips pursed. "What do you think?"

"You are right, always right, whatever you think is best..." Lyonel offered. 

"You are excused Lord Lyonel... thank you." Viserys agreed. "Davina where is your husband?" 

"I'm on a mission with Aegon, I'm not his keeper." Davina corrected. She held onto Baelon's hands as he slid along the floor wanting to walk, to chase after Aegon but unable to find the strength to use his little legs yet for himself without assistance. 

Otto was speaking with Larys when Viserys found him, how curious. 

"Otto, might I steal you for a moment?" They turned to Viserys before giving each other a silent goodbye. "I have come to you requesting your advice, old friend." 

"Of course." Otto agreed, confused but he would offered his opinion, its not like the last time he gave his opinion he was sacked, couldnt sack him from being Davina's husband... could he?

"I have been thinking a lot about heirs, my heir." Viserys remarked. Otto's head turned curiously to him. "The future of the realms." 

"You have?" Otto questioned. 

"Yes... I named her because I thought it was best but Rhaenyra and Alicent have been nothing but bitter towards each other. Rhaenyra acts as if she is already queen and Alicent doesnt stand up for herself."

"Alicent wants you to stand up for her." Otto agreed. "You are her husband and king and Rhaenyra doesnt listen to her, doesnt listen to you either it seems." Otto added boldly. 

"I know the people thought me a fool naming Rhaenyra the heir and maybe they were right." Viserys went on. 

"I admit I was one of them. Seems I was right, your grace." Otto went on, confident radiated through him. 

"What do you think of..."

"jacaerys?" Otto pondered. Viserys gave a stiff nod. "If I were you, I would send ser Harwin away." Otto admitted. "He is a find knight and warrior but he has gotten too close with your daughter it seems... and she has made you look like a fool enough without your whole court being against you." 

"Thank you for your candor." 



Otto was confused when he got a royal summons from the king. Davina assured him it was no big deal. Probably just her brother missing his oldest friend but otto wasn't so sure about that.

"No you see last moon I told him he should send Harwin away and that Rhaenyra was a bad heir and now he is summoning me." Otto corrected. 

"Yeah thats... why send harwin away? I love harwin!" Davina demanded. 

"Because he is fathering bastards in the capital." Otto offered. 

"So what? He's eye candy." Davina assured. 

"And you like him a little too much." OTto added. 

"Dont die, its probably fine, if you are not back in an hour I will assume you are dead."

"Wow. Thanks." Otto agreed.  Davina kissed him goodbye just in case Otto was getting his head chopped off she mused as he headed out. 

"You were right old friend I should've listened to you instead of letting my daughter manipulate me" Viserys remarked bluntly. 

Otto was quite speechless on the contrary, He had so many things he wanted to say. put for the fear that he was dreaming. He kept his mouth shut.

"When I let you go," he said through a sigh. "It was an ultimatum one I should've never listened to for a long while. I forgot that I was the king and I was in charge, because I was trying to protect her.  I see, now that my protection has only caused more harm than good."

Rhaenyra being pregnant with no doubt her second illegitimate child... yeah.

"You were right and you have always been a dutiful hand and friend I was wrong to dismiss you. I would like to offer a place back in my court if you can forgive me." Viserys requested. 

Otto had to play cards right. He couldn't seem too eager after he tossed him aside after years of service not only to him but to his grandfather, Jaehaerys.

"I am honored -" that you have come groveling back realizing that strong just didn't cut it. "-but might have some time to consider?" to let you squirm and suffer as I did five days perhaps... That seemed poetic. 

" yes, of course. That is understandable, but you were right old friend. I should've listened to you from the start I promise if you come back, I will heed your advice better this time I will truly listen to you I won't let others push me around again. I don't need to be coddled. I need guidance and you are the only one that has given that to me regardless of how I react because I needed to know the truth, even if I didn't want to hear the truth."

"Thank you..." fuck it. "I accept."

Now That We Don't Talk / Otto Hightower / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now