30. Iron Throne

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If Otto thought that getting his blood on the iron throne was exciting it was nothing compared to his wife demanding herself queen. 

Rhaenyra wasnt suited they all agreed on that and Aegon was only 6 years old, he couldnt be king. Otto offered up that he could and he has hand would step forward but Davina had a better idea. 

"I'm the most... reasonable option." Davina admitted. "I mean if we are throwing ideas out there... I'm already the boss of every room I walk into. Might as well be the boss of the realms." Otto liked that idea. THen he would be king and their son would rule one day. "I mean I already have a son, legitimate son... and... he's just the sweetest, if the time comes and we want to reassess Aegon to be a possibility I think I will okay with that too." Davina offered. The council shared murmured voices before looking to Davina. 

"Our Queen." They agreed.

Wow, just ask politely and you get what you want, thats new.

Davina strut down the aisle her arms rose up over her head as the horns and drums sung out to her. She couldnt contain her smile as she got closer to the stage. Her favorite boys waiting for her. Fury his tail wagging whipping wind throughout the pits with his every happy tail wag, as if he knew his mother was about to be crowned as well. Otto held Baelon in his arms, they smiled back at her but he passed Baelon off to Tommen as he stepped forward, proud that he got to crown his wife. 

Davina kissed Otto's cheek as Aegon ran up to her hugging her tight. Alicent was glad that davina stepped up. She was the obvious choice. She didnt want her son to be king, he was just a child. 

"Dav, we play?"

"In just a bit." Davina assured." There is something I got to do."

"This shirt is itchy." Aegon told her tugging on the collar. 

"I'm sorry honey, just a few more minutes and we take it off." Davina informed him. Aegon nodded and she turned him back around nudging him towards Alicent, before dropping to her knees before him and septon. 

"This is scandalous." She whispered up to him with a wink.

'May the Warrior give her courage. May the Smith lend strength to her sword and shield. May the Father defend her in her need." the Septon began. ''May the Crone lift her shining lamp and light her way to wisdom." Otto stepped forward the crown in hand

"The crown of our beloved Viserys the peaceful, passed down through generations." Otto spoke. ''Let the Seven bear witness: Davina Targaryen is the true heir to the Iron Throne." he announced putting the crown on Davina's head.

''All hail Her Grace, Davina, second of her Name, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm."

"Long live."

First order of business, they had to deal with Daemon and Rhaenyra and they had to do it stealthily. But Davina didnt do stealth, she did dragons. So they flew in armed and at the ready.

On dragonstone no cheers were heard, instead screams echoed through the halls while rhaenyra struggled through her third day of labor. The child had not been due for another moon but the tidings from kings landing. 

she called upon her wrath to her half brothers, the queen and her aunt. She detailed the torment she was inflict upon them all before she would let them die. the cursed the child inside her too shouting monster, monster, get out, get out.

when the babe at least came forth, it was indeed a monster. Twisted and deformed. with a hold in her chest where her heart should have been and stubby  scaled tale. 

"monster..." Rhaenyra rasped out shoving the baby aside. 

"That's rude." Davina remarked honestly. Rhaenyra glared back at her.

"You did this!"

"I just didn't stop it... when everyone thought you were a bad heir and when they looked to me I didnt cower away... do I didnt really do anything except, accept." Davina countered. "But it shows what a monster you are what you could grow inside you have a tail and scales... I always knew my brother had twisted seed, but I never imagined this... they said Maegor the cruel had twisted seed, thats what you get for having a child out of incest I suppose. Nothing was wrong with Harwin's children." 

"I am the queen!"

"My crown says otherwise." Davina offered. "Now listen, you were growing a monster inside of you, I dont want to have to do this but I knew Daemon would be difficult, he's being handled now."

"The Velaryons-"

"Are pissed you murdered their son a year ago and promptly married Daemon. They are siding with their rightful queen." Davina assured. 

"Daemon will win, he will kill you and I will claim my crown." Rhaenyra hissed. 

"listen," Davina sighed. "I am not the bigger person right now Rhaenyra. I will hit you with a chair and feel no regrets."  

"You are a dead woman." Rhaenyra charged best she could but Davina moved out of the way, Rhaenyra stumbled into the bed post. 

"I think you thought that you needed someone older, a little bit colder, take the weight off your shoulders... but that man wasnt Daemon. Because Daemon cares about Daemon, which is why you were birthing a monster all alone." Davina remarked calmly as she walked the room.  "Come on Rhaenyra, stop fighting me, just talk to me. We dont talk anymore." 

"You stole whats mine!" 

"Then you shouldnt have kept fucking up." Davina corrected. "You should have talked to me before marrying Daemon, I would have-" Rhaenyra lunged again but she was slow and sluggish, birthing monsters did that to you.

"Rhaenyra its long live Davina or I end you." 

"I will kill you and Aegon and Aemond and Alicent and Baelon!" Rhaenyra shouted. 

Davina sat down at the desk as Rhaenyra panted for breath, Davina rested her elbows on the desk, laced her fingers under her chin and rose a perfectly formed brow. 

"You want to change that statement?" Davina pondered. 

"I'm going to rip them apart-"

"Long live me."  Davina threw a quill pen at Rhaenyra and just by luck, she would have loved to claim skill but it was really more luck that she hit her throat and blood oozed from her neck. When Rhaenyra pulled it free blood squirted over the room, she choked out and Davina waited until she died before heading out, leaving footprints in Rhaenyra's blood along the floor. 

"Is it handled?" Davina questioned Otto.

"Yes." Otto agreed. "Daemon is gone. Rhaenyra?" Davina nodded kissing him. "Long live my queen." He breathed back. 

"The couples that murder together stay together!" 

Now That We Don't Talk / Otto Hightower / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now