20. Green Dragon

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"I think I nearly kill your father on a daily occurrence." Davina remarked.

"Makes sense." Alicent agreed.

"Oh Otto, are you still mad I called you grandfather?" Davina questioned, he turned his cheek. "He is a moody one, you think he would be used to my constant torment and grow a pair." Otto scowled back at her.

"He didnt realize what he was getting into with you." Viserys agreed.

"Certainly didn't." Davina agreed.

"She is lucky im so madly in love with her." Otto remarked "or should i say im so lucky she loves me." 

"Good boy." Davina agreed. "Come on if you are lucky i will let you give me a massage."

"If hes lucky?" Viserys countered. Davina pressed a kiss to aegons head.

"Yes. His hands on my body is a lucky day for him indeed." Davina assured. "Night brother- and daughter." She pat alicents head before they headed out. Otto grabbed her hand as they walked. Little Baelon slept soundly against davinas chest. With her free hand she rubbed on his back.

Otto liked that they didn't have to talk words were not always needed. Sometimes davina talked too much after all and their silence spoke volumes. With every glance every touch every smile.

"Are you done tormenting me?" Otto questioned as he closed the door. Davina smirked back at him as she walked baelon to his nursery.

"Is the artist coming tomorrow?"

"Should be." Otto agreed.

"Good." Davina agreed putting baelon down. He smiled up at her. She swaddled him close and dragged a finger down his little chest.

"You didnt answer my question." Otto reminded her. Davina glanced back at him. She whispered goodnight my little dragon to baelon before she stood up straight pushing her hair from her face. Moving from baelons side she closed his door leaving it open just a crack.

"What was the question?" Davina pondered wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Tormenting me.  Are you done yet darling?"

"Probably not but i can be for the day." Davina assured. "Maybe not though. You are easily wound up. Must be in your old age."

"Do you ever stop talking?" he quips.


"Says you." Otto murmured. Irritation winds through her middle and she opened her mouth to reply, but before she can, he sweeps in, claiming her lips in a bruising kiss. Her hands fly to the back of his head as she pulled him closer, inhaling him keeping his taste on her tongue. He groans, his hips pushing harder against her, the thick length of his cock gliding along her belly.

"Are we done talking?"

"Kiss me."


A green dragon was swooping over the wall. Baelon smiled up at it.

"Perfect." Otto agreed. The perfect balance of Hightower and Targaryen.

Davina leaned back into him. She nodded in agreement, this was perfect.

"You like it Bae?" Davina questioned shifting him in her arms, he nodded reaching for it. "Of course you do. You want a real dragon though." She headed outside and fury stood up seemingly smiling back at her. "Right fury? Right? You want to go for a ride?" Fury perked up. "Yeah? High five!" Davina declared. Baelon giggled out reaching for fury as he got on his hind legs lifting his front talons.

Now That We Don't Talk / Otto Hightower / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now