CHAPTER 20: Sowing the wound.

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The hall of the Ryoikian temple was lively.

All the gods were lined up, with Ita standing in front of their throne.

...The first duo approached.

Corvan and Danae walked up.

Corvan had gotten himself a new cloak, along with an updated mask with a new face shape.

Danae was wearing a new set up noble clothing, black on top with red underneath.

"Danae the Sunguvite, and Corvan the Jentra...I extend you a hand of great become lesser Ryoikian gods." Ita began.

"Danae, you shall become the Ryoikian God of blood, and Corvan, the Ryoikian God of clairvoyance. Do you accept?"

"...Absolutely." Danae said.

"With how much we've helped you already, I don't see why not." Corvan followed.

Ita smiled and held out their hands...

In their right hand, in front of Corvan, an orb made of golden symbols with the symbol of a tree at its center appeared.

For Danae, a blood red orb with the symbol of a teardrop.

The two men grabbed their orbs and slammed them into their chests.

Out of the two's chest, blood and some of the jentra's symbols spouted...but eventually flew back into the men's chest.

Danae let out a big sigh, while Corvan simply chuckled.

"Next." Ita announced.

Danae and Corvan took their place next to Ita...and then the next two approached.

Cremini, who now wore a black lab coat.

And King, with a sky blue cape.

"King of the Faerer, and Cremini the lentien...I offer you both citizenship to Ryoiki."

Ita performed a similar ritual to Danae and Corvan...but Cremini and King were simply dismissed.

Next was Munin, approaching by himself in a white shirt and some shorts.

"Munin, creature born of Void...I offer you citizenship to Ryoiki as well."

Ita generated Munin a soul, and he took it...and then something strange occurred.

As Munin finished consuming his soul...his skin began to dry.

Munin transformed into a brown skinned man with long black hair, and still having 4 red eyes.

"...He dried..." Nuzgul commented.

"Woah..." Munin mumbled.

"I'm...mortal?" He asked.

But then, he morphed into his raven form.

"Wait, no, I'm still made of Void! Cool!!!"

Munin chuckled and changed to his mortal form, walking back a bit.

Orix then walked up, now in a brown leather coat with a piece of fancy shoulder armor, and some beige slacks.

"Finally, Orix. Father to me and Kuta...I offer you the highest honor I can...joining the major Ryoikian pantheon."

Ita opened both their hands, and a green orb appeared.

It had the symbol of an eye, with a horn above it.

Orix smiled...and took it.

The green energy began to swarm around Orix and enter his chest.

There was then a large burst of green energy, and a figure was seen in Orix's place...

The figure had a large flowing cape, and wore light metal armor...

The silhouette soon vanished, however...

Ita smiled.

"I declare you, the God of the Hunt."

Quiet footsteps greeted the group of 4.

Corvan, Orix, Danae, and Munin found themselves in a hilly field.

"Why'd you bring us out here, Orix?" Corvan asked.

"Something I feel like you all should be a part of." He explained.

"And what's that?" Munin followed up.

"This." Orix said with a smile, stopping and pulling out the nail Flengian had given him.

Orix fiddled with it in his hands, then put it on the floor and hit it in with his hand.

"What that supposed to-?" Danae began.

There was a shake below the four, as the nail began to grow...and expand.

After several minutes...the 4 were back standing in front of the workshop cabin.

"...What the hell...?" Munin mumbled...

"What? Never seen an angel do some of its trick's kiddos?" An old voice said from behind.

"BY ITA-!" Corvan shouted.

Flenigan was sitting in his wheelchair behind the group.


Orix walked closer, smiling.


"Yes yes, Hello my boy!" Flengian said, smiling at his son.

"Ita's going to want to talk to you." Danae warned...

"Well, they can...but I think you've got something to attend to, ay kid?" Flengian said.

"Right...yes...I'll come visit you after a bit." Orix said, hugging his dad.

Only a few hours later, Orix found himself walking down the pitch-dark staircase...

He passed by blue flaming torches, showing murals of the history of the Beyond...

At the bottom, a large cliff...with a lake of Void far down below. Chains connecting it to the ceiling.

Orix smiled...and shouted.


There was a shift in the ground...and the Archdemon appeared.

She was the same as ever, large, made of Void, with 6 eyes and large antlers.

She grabbed onto the cliff and stared at Orix...with black pupils and red all around it.

...But then there was a shift.

Aria's eyes inverted.

"...Oh Orix!!!" She called.

"Hello my love-!" Orix said, opening his arms.

Aria moved her giant head and nuzzled Orix.

"How are you...?" Orix asked.

"So, so much better now that I've seen you again...and have control..."

Aria moved back, looking at her chained hands.

"Shame I am stuck like this...but with The Core in my mind-"

"I know my love. It's okay." Orix interrupted.

"Right...yeah!" Aria replied with a smile.

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