Chapter 8

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Logan's p.o.v.

"Happy Birthday!" My mom and Danielle shouted as I walked in the door. "Thanks." I mumbled. "Something wrong?" Danielle asked me. "Bree spent all day with Jimmy." I muttered. "I'm sorry." She mumbled patting me on the back. "You should be, it's kind of your fault." I told her. "How is Bree dating the guy of her dreams my fault?" Danielle asked me. "Jimmy likes you but since he couldn't have you because you don't like him, he decided to ask out the next girl he saw that wasn't you. Coincidentally you were the next girl he saw but then Bree caught up with you and I think you can get the rest." I explained to her. "Sorry." She mumbled. "But maybe I can make everything all better. Here." She said handing me a present. "I figured I'd give it to you now so you could use it on Saturday at your party." She explained to me. "Open it." She added as I started opening it. "What is it?" I asked her as I took out a, I'm not sure how to explain it. "It's a magical candle." She told me. "A magical candle?" I questioned. "Yeah and before you start rambling on about how magic isn't real and excedra, I tried one of these candles before and they totally work. They grant you one wish when you blow them out but only one so chose wisely." She told me. "And what did you wish for?" I asked her. "The most amazing and some what weird friends in the world and that's you and Bree if you couldn't have figured it out." She told me. "You don't just think it was a coincidence?" I asked her. "Nope." She said smiling. I rolled my eyes. "Well thanks for the gift. I'll blow it out on Saturday, hopefully my wish will come true." I told her and she smiled.

Bree's p.o.v.

I was writing down my latest dream in my dream journal. Jimmy was holding me in his arms. "What are you writing, it's such a weird story." Jimmy told me. "You're reading it?" I asked him and he nodded. "Please don't, it's kinda private." I told him. "You're telling me a story about a leperchon trying to steal your gold so you sliced off his head, is personal." He asked me. "Pretty much." I told him. "This makes no sense at all." He told me. "It's complicated but I only let one person know what's inside this and that person is the one that gave me the journal." I told him. "Well I could give you a journal." He told me. "Please just don't read it. For me." I told him. "Fine." He said before pecking me on the lips.

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