Chapter Six

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"All I'm hearing is offensive and sexist judgement." Renaes arms were crossed and annoyance was steaming from her eyes. She glared out the window trying to calm her short temper.

"Sorry- I was told... never mind. If you can keep down food I'll gladly send you home as soon as tomorrow. Sometimes with head injuries it can bother your stomach." His voice rang small before Renae looked back at him.

"Now that you mention it, I think I am kind of hungry." She uncrossed her arms forgetting about her anger. "So, when can I get back to my normal everyday activities, or even maybe something like extreme exercise?" She bit her lip.

He paused looking at her "Just take it slow. You should be able to slowly get yourself back to where you were starting in a few days after you go back to school. I'll have a nurse come and bring you some food to see if you can keep any of it down. Alright?" He smirked towards her before turning to walk to the door.

"Thank you." She bit her tongue after the words left her mouth.

"Oh, it's just been bothering me a little but, have we met somewhere before? Since you first came in I've been having this nagging feeling that I've met you somewhere before." He asked turning towards her.

"Honestly?..." She looked at him, feeling her own memories fail her "I think maybe? I'm not really sure. Maybe we both met each others dopple-gangers before. I've never been on this part of the country before about a month ago."

"It's probably just nothing then. Forget I mentioned it." He walked out the door and closed it behind him. 'I swear, I know her some somewhere... This ones different, that's for sure.' He thought to himself before walking away.


Three days later Renae is still in the hospital. She was unable to keep anything down including water. She had to keep her I.V. and has been put on fluids till she can manage to eat anything. Spending most of the time alone, Renae kept thinking back to the fight and how she managed to be too full of herself and how it caught up to her. With her excitement to start campus security fizzled out, she was slightly grateful to get knocked down a few pegs before she was stuck in a more serious fight at night when she'd hardly be able to see. Yet she still couldn't let the disappointment in her thoughts drop due to the fact that she got taken down by a boy who only had one working arm.

"What's wrong?" Jarrod asked seeing her conflict.

She paused taking in the silence of the room before speaking "I'm just mad at myself. I could've done better. I got to cocky." She sighed.

"Hey, you took on all four of them and had little to no trouble. If it wasn't for me coming around the corner and distracting you. Also, it was the rock that took you out. I never would have been able to do what you did at your age. I wish I never would have yelled when I came around that corner." He grabbed her hand and tried to hide his swelling tears.

"Distractions are not an excuse. I don't know how many times you told me that during training. I got cocky and careless; this is my own fault. Besides, I turned my back on them when I knew better. I thought I'd taken them all out long enough to be able to go get you and explain but I was obviously wrong. It was a good thing you showed up when you did. I would have killed him if I had seen he what he was getting ready to do. They really pissed me off ganging up on me like that. Four against one? That's just dishonorable." She squeezed his hand trying to cheer him up.

"I can't help but feel like it really is my fault. It's a fact that you were looking at me when he got up and swung that bat at you. You were fine until I came back there yelling and hollering. Seeing you go down like that, I... I couldn't move fast enough, I couldn't do anything." The corners of his mouth dropped even more along with his head.

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