Chapter Nine

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Renae sat down in art class just after finishing her lunch. She looked at the shape the desks were arranged and laughed to herself seeing the large circle.

"Renae! I'm so glad to see you back! Your dad told me what happened, I'm so sorry to hear you got hurt. I hope you gave those brats a good fight." The art teacher smiled and hugged Renae upon seeing her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just got a little banged up but they got the worse of it. It's good to see you too Ms Hill." Renae smiled returning her hug.

The bell rang once more making the two look to the door "We'll talk more later." Ms Hill winked as she motioned her to sit down.

As Renae sat down she waited on Ms Hill as the other students talked amongst themselves. Renae scanned the room when she spotted the boy from the night before. Her heart began racing as she saw him staring at his phone and laughing.

Renae stood to her feet and walked over being as quiet as she could. She snuck behind him and glanced at his phone, she saw the picture he took of her in a conversation between him and someone named B. As the heat rose, she snatched the phone out of his hand and backed up.

"Who the hell-" He began to yell but stopped the second he turned around.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I scare you? Gee, that sounds so inconsiderate!" Renae yelled at him. "Sounds a little familiar don't you think? I wonder from where?" Renaes voice grew louder. Almost everyone in the room had begun laughing at this point. Ms Hill was one of the exceptions, she walked over and guided the two into the hallway.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"She stole my phone!" He cried.

"He stole a picture of me in the middle of the night after stalking me through the window!" Renae matched his whine.

"Okay no, I don't get paid enough for this. Go to the headmaster's office. Now!" She pointed down the hall. Renae refused to give back the phone until she had an explanation.

After entering Jarrods office, he looked at his daughter and recognized the boy and knew immediately the trouble that was to ensue.

"You're the boy who came to my house last nigh-" He tried to speak.

"Dad, please. Now you have no choice. Tell me why you took my picture after stalking me through my windows! If you don't tell me I'll go through your phone and find out for myself. Or I'll just smash it!" Renae lifted it over her head.

"NO!" He screamed. He tried to tackle Renae for his phone with no luck as Jarrod pulled him off.

"Tell me then!" She yelled glaring at him.

"Okay! A bunch of guys in the male dorms wanted to know what happened and why you weren't showing up for school for like two weeks. A few of them who had a crush on you, who dared me to see if you were home a-and I had to get a picture or they wouldn't believe me. I wasn't stalking you, I just couldn't get a good picture through the window!" He cried.

"Now answer why you sent it in a text to someone. I saw the message, don't lie." She held the phone to her side and watched Jarrod let him go.

"This one kid, he wasn't here last night so I had to send it to him. He was the one who dared me, I didn't have a choice." He wiped the tears off his face.

Renae looked down at the phone and checked the messages that were left on the screen.

'Dude U did it! Good job bro U get bragging rites for the month'

'Thnks man'

'She pretty hot tho evn wth the scar on her face'

After reading the last message, Renae couldn't help but blush slightly "Okay... that checks out... I think." Renae shook off the blush before handing him his phone. "I want you to delete the picture, then I won't bother you anymore."

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