Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I had always meant to clean out this room but I never could. I looked around and my eyes started swelling with tears. I haven't been in this room in three decades, so why am I in here now? I looked at the pictures and paintings of us before and couldn't help but crack. I felt anger. She knew what she was doing was dangerous but she still did it anyways. When she passed I vowed to never love another human again. She didn't want to change and I accepted that but I still wish she would've reconsidered. Maybe, just maybe if she would've been able to keep the baby, then she wouldn't have started doing those dangerous stunts to get those adrenaline rushes.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as my phone started going off in the living room. I slammed the door behind me and I stormed to my phone. There is always some kind of emergency, I can never have an evening to myself. I'm always being called back to that stupid hospital. Once I got to my phone. I saw I had a text message from Renae and I could feel my body relax.

'Hey sorry I just woke up. I'm so glad that I was able to help. Remember if you need to talk, I'm here and honestly I'm kinda glad I found someone else who likes to text in full sentences instead of shortening words cause they're too lazy to carry a proper conversation. I hope you have a great night and if you don't like texting, you're more than welcome to call.'

I found myself smiling at the message. I was re-reading it over and over again and was having a hard time stopping. Just some words had given me a great feeling that I haven't felt in a bit over half a century. I felt my hands shake just slightly as I started to reply back.

'Again thank you. I'm not used to texting but if it's what you prefer I'll get used to it. Have a good night Rae' I placed my phone in my pocket hoping she would reply soon. I continued to keep that smile on my face as I walked to my bathroom. I started to take off my shirt as my phone started going off again. I immediately grabbed it and saw her message.

'I hope I will. Is it okay if we keep talking? I'm sitting at home by myself and having a hard time sleeping anyways. If you'd rather, I can call?' I felt myself stumbling as I read that. She wants to talk to me? Well, obviously she's just lonely, but I am too so maybe there'd be no harm in it? I started typing trying not to drop my phone while I found the right words.

'Yes I'd like that' the only words I could find. I placed my phone down and changed into my night clothes as quick as I could manage. I grabbed my phone and jumped in bed and watched it waiting for it to go off.

My body jumped with excitement as it started to ring, I grabbed it and shook off my nerves "Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, I hope I'm not being a bother." She sounded like she was messing with something.

"No, no. No bother at all. So, how was your day?" I placed my hand behind my head and kept the other one holding the phone to my ear as I laid down.

"Honestly, could've gone better but it was fine." She sighed.

"Fine? Did you want to talk about it?"

"Not really... maybe later if you're still up for it." I heard her chuckle "but I did have a question and my dad's not here so I was hoping you could answer it for me, if that's okay?" I could only assume her chuckle had faded into nervousness as she went silent.

"Go ahead, I'm all ears."

"Well, Braxton and I had a bit of a fight and I was just wondering how vampires handle relationship fights? Does it always get physical?" I felt myself jump in fear as I sat up.

"Rae... D-did he hit you?" I was dumbfounded at the first stutter I ever heard from myself.

"No. I mean not really, or kind of? What happened was he didn't want to talk so I yelled at him that if he didn't want to talk there'd be no point in continuing this and he got out of the car, came to my side swung my door open and threw me out of the car. He slammed me into another car, honestly I have no idea how the alarm didn't go off. Anyways, my arm was completely shattered but it didn't hurt." She was fumbling with her words.

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