Chapter Fifty-Five

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"She purposely made sure she miscarried. Whenever she felt she didn't have your attention she did something to herself so she could have you all to herself. Do you remember your son? Lani caught her drowning him in the pool in your backyard. Lani wanted to give you a baby gift but by the time she got to the child, it was too late. The sky diving accident, wasn't an accident. She purposely jumped without a workable parachute and she jumped to late because she hesitated. I've been investigating for quite some time, she paid off a lot of people but I've recently made them slip up. About ten years ago but I had just started my family with Lani. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

"Where's your proof?!" I took a step back. The anger I felt was being replaced with hatred. He took a step forward and handed me a file. The file had papers of agreements with Kileys signature, agreements that she'd pay a hefty fine to the coroner's office for my son's death certificate, and other papers asking for secrecy on her miscarriages.

"I'm sorry Clemortte. I really am, and you can be as mad with me as you want but right now, your fiance needs you. She's in trouble and she's all alone. I told her to stay there because she doesn't know this place, she doesn't even know what city she's in so if she had attempted to follow you, she would have gotten lost and we wouldn't have been able to find her." I felt my chest sink.

I just left her, I abandoned her when she was just frightened. What did I do? I shook my head and ran back to the house as fast as I could. As I approached the front door, it was cracked open. I looked around and saw everything was just as I had left it but clean. I was going to thank her for cleaning but never got the chance to. I looked in the kitchen quickly and didn't see her. I walked up the stairs and saw a glow from under the door to Kileys stuff. All the cleaning supplies were laying on the floor and a puddle of blood was leaking out from under the door.

"RENAE!!" I ran to the room and tried to open it but it wouldn't budge.

"It's no use. If a paranormal entity doesn't want you going in, then there's no use." Eros walked calmly behind me. "Is that-" Before he could finish I rammed myself into the door trying to get it to collapse. Under any other circumstance, no door could withstand the force I was applying to it but this one wouldn't even shake.

"I've got to get in there. I can't let her hurt Renae too. She's destroyed to much in my life, I'm not letting her ruin any more!" I stepped back and ran into the door. As I collided with the door, I heard my bone in my shoulder break.

"GODAMMIT! OPEN!" I screamed grabbing my shoulder. I took and breath and ran using my other shoulder to break through but failed once more.

"Clemortte..." Eros whispered.

"No!" Having broken both shoulders, I looked at the door and started kicking it as hard as I could until I eventually broke my leg. I stood for a second allowing my bones to heal only to break them over and over again.

"Clemortte... Clemortte!... ADAM!" I stopped fighting the door and looked at him. He was as pale as I was earlier. He pointed down the hall. I looked what I saw made me want to shatter.

"Ricky...?" He was my son. He stood down the hall and he was smiling. He started walking away, instinctively I followed him.

"Eros, please keep trying to get in the room." I shouted as I followed him until we got to the patio, as I looked around, I realized it was nighttime already. I must've been tackling that door for hours. He stood outside the room Renae was in.

"I'm sorry I wasn't strong daddy. Please help my new mommy." I heard his sweet voice and before I could react, he vanished.

I looked at the wall, it was cracked. Taking a breath, I gathered all my strength and released it in one final blow to the wall, and with that it shattered. I saw a figure standing over Renaes motionless body. Her head was bleeding and she wasn't healing. I looked up at the figure and saw Kiley. She was angry. She had a dark glow around her and her face was stained with tears.

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