𝒐𝒏𝒆-"Não tens de quê, Noe."

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Scrolling through social medias, while crying in my bed. In a few hours I need to get up and fly all the way to Singapore, for the Grand Prix.

Every post i got tagged on, had something to do with the messy breakup people just found out about. I dated the famous Formula 1 driver, Lando Norris.

I found out he cheated on me multiple times, with multiple girls. It completely broke my heart. I hated him, but we've dated for over 2 years. It was hard.

Thank lord I had my best friend. When he found out about what happened, he drove all the way from Liverpool to London, just to support me through all of this.

Trent Alexander-Arnold's been my friend since 2019. We've lived together for about 2 years now. He was always there for me and has never left my side.

People found it weird that we never dated, but i've always seen him as my older brother. My parents kicked me out when I was barely 15, and my siblings never really payed attention to me.

I found joy in singing and acting, but recently I became a journalist for Formula 1. It was my dream job, since i'd always be around.

Trent was a footballer, playing for Liverpool FC, and England's national football team. We traveled a lot for the games, but I never found that tiering.

He was in the room with me, wiping my tears every so often. I was so grateful for him.

- Els, please stop crying. He isn't worth it.- Trent spoke to me softly.

- You don't understand. This shit is mad! How can anyone ever cheat.

- I don't know, but it's not your fault. Now please get some sleep.- He answered, walking out of my room.

I sighed as i put down my phone on the nightstand.



- Fuck this man. Can I redo that part, please?- I spoke to my manager. I was recording a new song.

- It's the 4th time Noelle. Aren't you tired?- She answered.

- Yeah sorry.- I apologised and took off my headphones.- I need to go, we'll finish this tomorrow, trust.

Darcy rolled her eyes and shook her head. She's been with me through it all, since the beginning of my career.

I've dropped the idea of being a journalist and focused even more on music. I was struggling with a deadline, that the record label gave me for not releasing any music for over 2 years.

It's been stressing me out badly. I had no ideas for the lyrics or just making music in general. We all decided to go to Chelsea's game tonight. Darcy loved that club so much she begged me to go with her.
Well she literally dated Mason Mount.

Football was obviously one of the things i knew something about since i lived with a footballer. I was lowkey excited for the game. I haven't gone to one since forever.

I got in the car and waited for Darcy to drive us home.

- You need to start writing. One song isn't enough for an album baby.- She said while driving.

- I know, i'm trying! It's so weird.- I answered, leaning back.

- Have u asked Dave for any help?

Pause. Forgot to update you guys on my love life.

It's been months since that thing with Lando. We haven't talked since, but I did have some fun with people. Dave was one of them.

He was a rapper, well known in the UK. Obviously I was going to sleep with him, but he wanted way more than that which surprised me.

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