𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏-"He wouldn't let anyone hurt you."

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I woke up the next morning full of energy. I stood up and walked to the wardrobe in my room. I picked out and outfit that was a two piece from yvette top in white with butterfly lace.

I wore my favorite black samba's and put leg warmers on, even tho I knew i'd regret it later. Underneath my outfit I had put on a black bikini.

I wanted to go to the beach today and was way too lazy to change later. I clipped my strongly wavy hair back, slicking the sides with some gel, then walking out of my room with my phone in my hand.

I walked to the kitchen, meeting my friends there who were already making some food. I smiled at them and sat next to Trent and Darcy by the table.

It was Mason's turn to make us all food, so he did as promised. Soon we were eating delicious pancakes, or at least that's what he thought they were.

- You look so good in this piece Noe. I wish I could fit into your clothes.- She stated making a sad face.

I smiled to her and put my hand on hers, in sign of understanding what she's just told me.

- You will eventually, when she's out.- I spoke to her belly, and saw my best friend's face lighten up again.

- Or he! Stop misgendering my child.- Mason reminded.

I laughed and continued chewing on my breakfast. It wasn't something i'd make again that's for sure, but it was definitely something!

I looked around the table to see Dominik and Trent having a normal conversation. They were laughing about something, when the Hungarian glimpsed at me.

I turned my head to look somewhere else but instead I met with João's gaze. He was staring at me, again. I smiled to him awkwardly and dropped my head down.

Nobody seemed to know or hear what Dominik and I did last night. I didn't regret it. I know that i should, but at that time all I cared about was to do it again.

When everyone was done eating, we decided to go to the beach like I predicted earlier. While waiting for my friends to get ready, I had a chance to have a talk with João.

- Is everything good?- I asked, putting my hand on his arm.

He raised his brow clearly confused and nodded his head slowly. I rolled my eyes, regretting speaking to him at all.

- Why would anything be wrong Ellie?- He teased.

- I don't get it. Yesterday you were all tense and angry, yelling at someone, and now when I ask you if you're good, you decide to be an ass?- I snapped getting angry.

He shook his head and chuckled underneath his breath. He was clearly not taking my words seriously which just pissed me off even more. Thank god out friends came back, because i would've said more.

- Woah, you guys are good?- I heard Trent speaking, and immediately nodded my head.

- Yeah, someone's just a little grumpy.- I faked a smile and walked out of the house.

We didn't stay far away from the beach. In England we were barely ever spending time by the water because of the horrid weather.

I was excited to sunbathe at least for a few minutes, since I was so pale. We arrived there soon, since we didn't have a long way there.

We put our stuff on the sun lounger that we have rented for day and took off our clothes. My eyes almost instantly were on Dominik.

I watched him turn around and saw how many red marks he had on his back. I smirked to myself, knowing exactly who's done that to him.

UNNECESSARY VIOLENCE - joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now