𝒕𝒆𝒏-"You're hurting me."

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I woke up on Trent's couch the next morning with a pounding headache and red eyes from crying. I sat up and wiped my face with my hand.

I took out my phone and saw many missed calls from Mason, Darcy and of course Marcus. I was about to stand up and look for my friend when I heard the front door close.

Soon I saw all of the people that were calling me enter the room I was in. First to run and hug me was Darcy. She started sobbing and shouting at me for just like that walking out.

- I'm sorry Darc.- I muttered, trying to calm her down.

Mason's hand landed on my arm and gripped it, in sing of relief and acceptance. He was happy I was safe and didn't even have to say anything.

- Don't ever fucking do it again!- She yelled and pulled away from the hug.

Marcus stood in the corner and watched me. I knew that we had to talk about many things, but I didn't know if i'm ready for that.

Yet I decided to stand up and have the needed conversation. He didn't touch me nor did he speak first.

- I should've told you.- I started speaking quietly.

He just looked at me and didn't answer. I couldn't tell whether he's mad, upset or sad. I felt my eyes water again, and that's when he pulled me into a hug.

- Don't do this shit ever again. I'm not your enemy, i'm here to help you.- He whispered into my ear.

I nodded and pulled away softly. He was right, I didn't want him to be the one I see as a person who I need to fight.

- And the person who texted me was Trent. We were organizing a surprise for your release party.- He reminded me the situation from last night.

I widened my eyes and looked at my best friend. He whispered an "i'm sorry" and walked up to all of us. I rolled my eyes and laughed to myself.

- It's just my borderline, don't worry.- I smiled and heard my friends laugh at my statement.

I'd always joke about the way I feel, even if it was super traumatising. This was the way of copying with things, and I just couldn't help it.

I was extra hungry so I asked Trent if he had anything laying around that is still edible and not rotten.

There was one thing I haven't told anyone about, João and I last night. It was a sensitive topic, that would make me cry again.

Trent only knew about the following events. He was there for me when I needed him the most again. It made me want to move out again, but i'd just hurt my closest ones.

I was sitting in the living room, eating some food when my phone started ringing. It was João. I rolled my eyes and declined the call. I didn't want his sorry butt to talk to me

- Who was that?- Marcus asked.

- Spam.- I panicked and said the first thing that came to my mind.

He nodded his head and wrapped his arm around me. We laid down together and watched some movie with the rest. I felt okay, even though I couldn't stop thinking about João.

The thing I didn't know, was that Marcus had a game tonight, and he was playing against Chelsea, which meant seeing Félix again.

We went back to Manchester around 2 p.m. and immediately started getting ready for the game. I put on blue, baggy jeans and a black top with some drawings on it.

I changed into more comfortable shoes and put my already curly hair up in a ponytail. I added a black waist bag to my outfit and left the house in a hurry.

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