𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏-"Do we tell him?"

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After I woke up and realised that I'm not in my bed or my room, I panicked. Then after a few seconds when my brain started working better, I remembered why am I here.

I sat on the bed and rubbed my eyes to wake myself up even more. After a few minutes I decided to get out and have some breakfast. I found my phone and checked the time. It was past 9 a.m.

I didn't expect anyone to be home, besides Trent of course. I made my way to the kitchen, and meet there the scouser. I smiled to him and made myself some coffee.

- How did you sleep?- I asked while sipping on my drink.

- Fine. Where did you end up going?- He asked, eating a meal he's made for himself.

- Don't worry about it. Why did you drive all the way from Liverpool?- I continued questioning my friend.

- We have trainings for the national team this week and practices are in London anyways. And obviously I heard the news about your contract being renewed.- He explained, clearly proud of me.

- I was working on a song when you interrupted me last night.- I told him and started making myself some cereal.

- Sorry about that. How are things with you and Marcus?

I put my food down and took a deep breath in. I didn't want to lie to Trent. Marcus and I haven't talked much in the past week.

I missed him, but i wasn't so sure about his feelings to me. I wanted to be someone for him, but he clearly didn't want that from me.

- We're fine. I haven't seen him in so long. Maybe this week will be better. When is the first England's game?- I asked.

- In two days. We're playing with Italy.

- So if i'm not wrong we're going there soon? I missed traveling.- I smiled and continued making my food.

- Yeah but i'm not playing, just going to watch the game. How are things with João?- He asked the question I wish i never heard.

I made an indifferent face. I would've lied if I said that we're great, and nothing was going on between us anymore. Shit was going down every other day.

I bet Mason and Darcy've had enough of our fights by now.

- Well we fought yesterday, and the day before yesterday. It's complicated i can't lie.- I explained and sat by the table.

- Of course. You'll see he isn't that bad eventually. Mason said he's a good player. LFC wouldn't reject him as our loan.- He joked and finished his meal.

- How is your love life. We're only talking about me.

- Nothing's changed El. Still single and i'll stay this way for a while.- He answered calmly.

I shook my head and took a sip of my coffee. Trent's been heartbroken forever, I had enough of this. He deserved way more from life but I understood why he wanted to take a break from dating.

- Do you wanna go to the studio with me? Later we could go to a cafe or something, second breaky kinda shit.- I suggested as I ate my cereal.

- Sure, we haven't gone out in so long. You've got to tell me about many things.


Day in the studio didn't go as I planned. I did record some of the song I was writing last night, but it didn't sound like i wanted it to.

Thing was pissing me off so bad I had to take a break and go for a walk. When I was finished Trent and I went for a second breakfast, like I promised.

UNNECESSARY VIOLENCE - joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now