𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆-"Au revoir, João."

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I woke up with a pounding headache the next day, in my bed in Liverpool. I've lived here with Trent for about 2 years now.

I did miss my home in France, but here I could achieve even more than in Paris. I stretched my arms and sat on my bed, looking for my phone.

I was in an top from the 90' and Nike black shorts. They were a bit too big so they were barely hanging on my hips.

I stood up from my bed, grabbed my phone and walked to the kitchen. I met Trent there, making some breakfast. I sat on the white couch in our living room and went on my phone, just to see it getting blown up by notifications.

- What the fuck did I do?- I asked Trent, confused.

- Well, you got drank and there's a video going around with you and Marcus Rashford dancing.- He managed to spit out.

- Why do people care about that though?- I continued with questions as Trent joined me, passing me a tea.

I thanked him and waited for his answer:

- Well.

- Juste dis-le idiot! (Just say it idiot!). Can't be that bad.- I scoffed and took a sip of my drink.

- People spotted you talking to João right before that happened, and Rashford was the reason why he got the card last evening.- He nearly whispered the last few words.

My mouth hang open. I couldn't believe that it was all me who's done that. People definitely are here for the drama, but I literally didn't know.

I didn't even remember last night. If there was something more to the story, I didn't wanna hear it.

- Darcy will be here later. She was worried about you last night Elle.- Trent spoke as I continued drinking my tea.

- Like always. You all should be worried about yourselves not me. I'm not a child, now if you excuse me. I need to start writing again.- I said and stood up.

I walked to my room and changed into oversized black hoodie and sweatpants. I clipped my hair up and sat by the piano.

I had some lyrics from ages ago, but none of them were satisfying enough for me and my record label.
I started playing random notes, when I finally liked some of the melody.

I took my black notebook and wrote down some of the lyrics that came up to my mind. When I tried singing it and actually liked some of it, someone interrupted me.

It was no one else but Darcy.

- This is beautiful. The producer will LOVE it!- She said to me as she sat on my bed.

- Thank you. It's the hangover kicking in.- I laughed and turned around to face her.- How bad did I fuck up?- I asked.

- It's not that bad, just João didn't show up to practice today.- She informed me.

I furrowed my brows in disbelief. It wasn't even that deep. He didn't know me, neither did I know him that well.

- And what am I supposed to with that?- I asked, trying to show that I somewhat care.

- Text him. Please pretty please. We need him.- She begged.

- Gosh not this.- I rolled my eyes and stood up.- I can't do it.

- You have to fix this. If not you, then who?- She continued, standing up as well.

I tilted my head to the side, while looking at my best friend. I shook my head and gave her a serious look.

- Okay then, if he shows up tomorrow, I'll give you a call and you better be ready to leave the house and come. You need to talk this shit out.- She continued, and as she was about to leave I stopped her.

UNNECESSARY VIOLENCE - joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now