𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓-"Why do you care in the first place?"

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A few weeks later I was getting ready to leave for Trent's game, when I got a text from my best friend saying she couldn't make it.

I sighed and continued putting on my makeup. I put mascara on my eyelashes and some brow gel on my brows. I didn't like putting much on my face, and covering my freckles with a ton of different things.

Only thing I did put, was some blush and highlighter, along with some lipgloss on my lips.

I was wearing oversized black jeans, and a Liverpool FC shirt, with Trent's number on the back. It was our tradition at this point. It was a little too big on me.

I also wore converse to complete my outfit. I was going to take a zip up hoodie when going on, but I forgot and left the house in just the T-Shirt.

I arrived at Anfield earlier, to have a chat with the team and the coach. They liked me a lot. I felt appreciated by them, since I'd help a lot with many things.

They were going to play against Manchester United.
I didn't think much about it until I remembered that Marcus was playing there. I was quite excited to see him again.

Talking to Trent, I noticed him walking by and couldn't hold back the smile on my face. My friend noticed it and said:

- Don't even think about it Noelle.

I furrowed my brows and tilted my head. I wasn't even saying or thinking anything.

- I don't know what are you talking about Trent. We're just friends.- I reassured, but he didn't seem to believe me unfortunately.

He raised his brows and made a serious face. He was overprotective and yes it's cool but at times it gets too much and I get annoyed by it. That's exactly what happened that day.

- Oh my god, why can't you ever believe me? Not everything I say is a lie Arnold.- I answered annoyed.

- Because it's hard to believe you, when all you've been doing is text or be on a call with that lad. Look me in my eyes and tell me that you aren't lying.- He snapped back.- See.

He was right I couldn't do it. I can't lie to my best friend. I wouldn't forgive myself if I did. I heard Trent scoff and walk away.

- Look I know it's all messy, but let me explain myself at least.- I called after him, but he ignored me and what I said.

I sat down on the bench in the hallway, trying to calm myself down. I was upset, because I didn't want to fight with him right before a big game. When I was thinking about all of this, I felt someone pat on my arm.

I looked up to see Virgil standing in front of me. He was confused. I forced myself to smile and stand up.

- Is everything good? Trent seemed a little tense.- He asked.

- Yeah, just a little disagreement between us. Good luck today.- I mumbled and walked away, making my way to the stadium.

The game was about to start, so I took a seat and watched the players walk out seconds later. The game started. After 18 minutes, Salah scored the first goal for us.

People cheered and shouted from happiness. I joined them. Another one was unfortunately for Manchester United.

The fans weren't quite happy, and booed at them. Soon after that, the break was announced leaving the teams to a draw.

I decided to go and see the players. Nobody was surprised to see me. Everyone cheered and shouted my name when I entered the changing room.

- I swear you're our biggest hope at times. Giving us strength and all that.- One of the players spoke to me.

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