𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕-"Let me go!"

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We arrived in Italy soon after 9 a.m. We got to our hotel and took our keys to the rooms we were staying at. I shared one with Marcus.

He wasn't going to play, but we went to the game anyway. Same with Trent. He had a room with Jude. I've known that guy for some time, basically since he joined the team.

We were getting along well, considering our age. I was 2 older than him, just like Marcus and Trent was older than me.

I laid on the bed and sighed, going on my phone. I noticed that I had so many people message me and soon I found out why.

- Marcus we've got a problem. Someone published a video from the airport.- I said in fear as I sat up.

- You're lying.- He stated.

- No bruh, look.- I answered and passed him my phone.

I covered my face and took a deep breath in. I wanted to keep our "relationship" private for as long as it was possible. Nobody really knew yet that we were official.

Not even Trent.

From the looks on Marcus' face I could tell that he was as stressed as me. I bit the inside of my cheek and rested my head on his arm.

- It's whatever after all. People would find out eventually.- I tried reassuring him.

- You're right. It's fine.- He agreed and kissed the top of my head.

We decided then to text our friends and go out for breakfast. After all we're in Italy right? We found a fancy restaurant down the street and went there to eat out.

Before going out, I changed into better clothes. It was quite hot outside so I wore a denim skirt, leaving my blouse on and changing my shoes to black converese, also wearing white leg warmers.

We came out of the room and made our ways to the exit. We met there our friends and walked to the place where we were supposed to go.

- I'm still mad you didn't tell me.- Trent whispered to me.

- Désolée (sorry). I'll change, trust.- I answered, tilting my head up and smiling.

He shook his head and smiled back. Even if he was ever mad at me, we'd get back on track really fast.
When we sat down at the restaurant, and ordered the conversation had started.

We talked about the upcoming events and the big announcement of me now dating Marcus Rashford.
I didn't think my friends would like this that much.

- You have no idea how surprising to me it was. This fella had absolutely no friends, nor do girls like him.- Trent spoke with his scouse accent, that drove everyone crazy.

- Shut up. At least he could find someone, unlike you. Loser.- I stood up for my partner proudly, feeling him put his hand on my knee.

- I'll be back guys, I need to take this call.- Darcy told us and stood up to go answer the phone.

We didn't think much of it, knowing that she's my manager and it could be literally anything. We were given our meals when she came back, and started eating.

That's when I spotted Lando again, and he was with Magui. I shook my head, trying to understand what the hell is going on here, but I couldn't.

I excused myself to go to the bathroom, but instead I came up to the pair and asked:

- Hey, what a coincidence! How are you?- I asked, confusing both of them.

- Great. I came to watch the game, before F1 starts again.- He answered, and looked at both me and Magui.

UNNECESSARY VIOLENCE - joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now