𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒗𝒆-"I could never hurt you."

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I locked eyes with João, that was standing in the doorway. He was looking at both Dominik and I.
I smiled to him and waved my hand, singing that way to come closer.

- Trent wants something from you.- He shook his head and walked back inside.

I frowned and slowly stood up from the floor. I peeped at Dominik, that was also getting up and made my way into the house.

I called for Trent but he wasn't replying to me. I walked around the house until I found him in one of the bedrooms. He was sitting on a small couch that was in front of the window.

I gulped and walked inside, making my way towards him. When I reached my destination I sat next to my friend and waited for him to say something.

It was worrying me, because he'd never be that quiet around me. Yeah he was a calm person, but never when I was there.

- You need to slow down.- He finally spoke, absolutely confusing me with his words.

I looked at him with my brows furrowed and tried to read his face expression. He was calm but in the scary way, the way I hated.

- What's that supposed to mean?- I let out a nervous chuckle.

- It's not even been a month, and you're already trying to hop onto another guy. I know you Noelle.- He stated very seriously, leaving me on chokehold.

I didn't know how to respond. I haven't been doing anything like that, besides I was still healing my outer wounds, such as the cut on my forehead.

I didn't even think once about falling for someone new now. Whenever i'd have thoughts about liking a person, I'd remember what damage Marcus had left behind and backed up.

- I'm not Trent. I promise, I'm still processing what happened that day.- I reassured, trying to sound convincing enough he'd actually believe me.

I wasn't lying when I said that. I could never lie to Trent, to everyone else absolutely, but not him. This time he didn't seem to believe me.

- I don't know Ella. I'll watch how you act, because I don't want you crying like that again, lad.- He muttered as he gazed at me.

I shook my head and put my hand on his arm. I didn't want him to think that I'd actually do such a thing. I get it he was worried, but i've got my own brain.

- I'm sorry you had to see me that way. I should've listened to João and the others when I first started talking to him.- I confessed and smiled tiredly.

- Don't apologise. We wanted to see you happy, and thought he wouldn't do anything to you. It's on us.- He answered quickly, smiling back at me.

I hugged him quickly and stood up. We walked out of the room after our conversation and made our way downstairs. We met there our friends, who were ready to leave.

- Where are you going?- I asked, curiously.

- Sightseeing, come with us!- Darcy smiled.

I shook my head slowly. I was so tired after hours of sitting in one place, that i genuinely didn't have the energy in me to go anywhere.

I promised to go, check out the neighborhood with them tomorrow and walked to my room. It was downstairs, near the pool. I could open the big window in my room and immediately jump in.

The bedroom was huge, way bigger than the one i had in Spain. It had everything that I imagined, a bit bed, wardrobe and even a massive bathroom.

It all looked like some sort of queen's bedroom type of thing. I loved the way it was and immediately fell in love.

UNNECESSARY VIOLENCE - joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now