𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏-"He's not worth it."

575 7 17

note: i changed Noelle's middle name to Elisabeth, IT'S IMPORTANT!!


It's been a week since that argument I had with João. Neither of us said anything to each other, neither did we spend time in the same room together. I didn't know what to do or say anymore.

I told Darcy all about it and she's been trying to convince him to talk to me but it was pointless. We were sitting by the table in the dining room when the doorbell rang.

I made a confused face and waited for someone to go open the door and check who's that. Of course it was João who did it. Soon to our surprise we saw Magui walking into the room, and him following.

- What is she doing here?- Mason asked with a serious face, clearly not being comfortable with her around.

- Don't worry about it Mason.- João snapped, not thinking much about his response.

I furrowed my brows and looked at him, feeling annoyed and angry for how he talked to my friend.

- What the fuck is your problem? You have a problem with me, not my friends, for fucks sake João!- I muttered still watching him.

- Don't know what are you talking about.- He answered, almost laughing into my face.

I wanted to stand up but Trent pulled me down to sit back down. He looked at me with a calm down face and whispered:

- He's not worth it.

I rolled my eyes and smirked to myself, knowing exactly what i'll do next. As both João and Magui were leaving the room I called after them:

- Hey Magui! How was the crazy fuck you had last night with Lando? I'm sure he sucked, he couldn't make me come so i'm assuming nothing's changed.- I stated as I heard my friends gasp and laugh.

João was furious. He walked to me and grabbed me by my arm, making me stand up. I started at his face with a grin on my face, really proud of myself.

- Did you feel good with cheating on your boyfriend for the past 6 months with multiple men?- I continued being even more petty than before.

- Stop it.- João told me with a serious face.

- No. You fucking deserve it João. She's been around you for long enough to see how dumb you are for coming back to that cheater.- Darcy stood up for me.

I looked at her and nodded my head in sign of being thankful and watched how all of my friends agree. My gaze went back to João and he was now looking at me with, sadness?

- You were the girl who Lando cheated on me with. If not you, I would've never gotten abused. This is who you're dating João.- I ended with a tear falling down my cheek.

He was looking at me with his brows furrowed, clearly surprised and confused about what I just said. I heard Magui run out of our house and sobbing while at it.

- You're finished lad.- Trent sighed, looking at João.

My friends stood up and left the room, letting João and I talk but before that Darcy walked up to me and squeezed my arm, signing me that everything will be okay.

Next he let go off of my arm and let me step back a little. We didn't say anything for a little while. Both of us stood there staring at each other.

His face was expressing confusion and sadness. I didn't know what's going through his mind at that moment, but it was so intense i saw his eyes water.

- You could've avoided all of this, if you've ever tried talking to me.- I started.

- Noelle I didn't know that she was the reason why you and that guy broke up.- He stated, trying to kind of sound guilty.

UNNECESSARY VIOLENCE - joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now