Part 3- Thoughts And Dreams

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The Truth Hurts...

And Then...

The school bell rang, my cousin Alice and Nick went to the canteen together, I didn't want to go because I was sick and wanted to sleep, Alice was messing around again, I was sure of it.

I wonder what lies Alice will tell about me to get Nick to like me. I mean, it's not a bad thing, it's just that she's adding 5 on top of 1, like I'm great. I fell asleep dreaming about him, of course. Wouldn't it be great if something bad happened, like the Mafia raided the school or something, and we were locked in a room with him? Just thinking about it is great.

I wanted to hug him, my addiction to contact was too exaggerated... I once cried silently in the room because I needed a hug too much. I'm good with my family, but I hate them all, I hate them all, I hated them all except my sister, my mother and my cousin. I'm not good with my mother, but I love her anyway, who hates their mother? Or at least I can't.

My mom would be very sad if she found out I was gay, maybe she would cry, but she would never hit me, she is a very good mother. She's just overbearing about my studies, ME AND STUDY? ME AND STUDY???

I fell asleep, the class was already over when I woke up, Alice woke me up.

Alice: Wake up, idiot

[Me] Luca: Is the lesson over? Really? How many classes have I slept?

Alice: You slept for 4 hours, now get your ass home

Our driver took Alice and then me home, my mother and my sister Asteria went to a restaurant and I was home alone

I ran to the bed, I lay down, I was dying of exhaustion, Why go to school for an ass? I hugged my pillow in my warm bed, I took everything soft around me, I was hugging my pillow, dreaming of him.

It was warm, my pillow, as if I was hugging him and he was caressing me. I wish...

Bad things always come to my mind, it's not hanging from me, it happens unintentionally

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Bad things always come to my mind, it's not hanging from me, it happens unintentionally. I'm not a sex addict, but I don't know.

He had a girlfriend, they just broke up, I mean not so recently but like a year ago. He was always talking about girls. He'd say to me: [Whoa, look at this girl]

I'll say maybe he doesn't know I love him, but I can't.

Because I told him a year ago that I liked him, he said we can't be together, anyone can be in love, but we can't be together, I don't want to break your heart, so let's drop the subject. But this year he is walking towards me.

I was so comfortable in my bed, thinking about him wasn't enough. I needed him, the real him.

That's why I go to school, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't care about school at all.

But I'm too ugly, he can't love me, it sounds really ridiculous. Someone as great as him can't love me. But he and I both like to talk and listen. Little by little I realized we have something in common. I fell asleep in my bed, I woke up and went to school, again just for him, my mom wouldn't let me go to school because I was sick, but I begged her and went to school anyway.

Because of him I had problems in my whole school life, every time I see him I get a stomach ache from excitement. And I couldn't focus in class.

When I went to school, I saw him again. He looked very weak, and when he saw me, roses bloomed on his face🤭

[Apologies for Emoji]

Nick sits too relaxed, he spreads his legs too wide, he talks to the teachers easily, and the teachers like him, so he's very likeable, who wouldn't like him?

By the way, I talk to everyone in a serious way, I behave so kindly that anyone who sees it thinks that I'm flirting with the other person
[I flirt even if I don't like the other person]

I draw well, and he fights well, it's a bit strange to think of a relationship of fighting and peace-loving.

I was deep in thought, Alice woke me up.

Alice and I started talking about Nick.


Alice: Okay? What's wrong with that? He just touched it.

Alice: Don't get too carried away with him, you're not even sure he's in love with you.

Luca: I don't know dude, I can't stop thinking about him.

Alice: My dear buddy, don't you see he doesn't care about you, maybe he's playing with your feelings.

Alice: I don't want you to get hurt, but if you believe, go ahead.

Luca: He doesn't act like that at all. I mean, we've been friends for years, in this class.

Luca: Don't you think he looks hot and handsome?

Alice: What's so handsome about him? He looks like my ass.

I'm laughing my ass off, and the only problem is that if I date Nick, I'm not gonna get along with the girls at school, the whole school is in love with him. So I don't care what the girls do now, but I don't know. I think about him every free moment, I make up fake scenarios.

We forgot that Nick was sitting right across from me while we were talking, and I was talking too loud like an idiot. I was so embarrassed. We stopped talking right away, and Nick turned around and smiled as if he'd heard everything.

That's when my heart stopped. DID HE REALLY HEAR ME? DID HE HEAR WHAT WE SAID? Oh, my God, this is a disaster.
I couldn't fool myself, he had definitely heard me, I accepted the truth, but why did he smile?...

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