Part 10- Light Of Chaos

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We are in the middle of chaos
I didn't say anything, Nick looked like he was going to burst out laughing. I slowly stood up and put on my school clothes.

Nick: Even though the school uniform looks hideous, it fits your body perfectly, so at least your slim waist looks more comfortable.

"Thank you dear!" I replied with a happy tone.
"So? Won't you wear your school uniforms?"
I called out.

Alice: Are you really going to be comfortable at school? In this ruined state.

Nick: It's not a big deal, just because it's the first time he's done it. I also apologized. "I wasn't myself, I was too horny"

Alice: Why can't men control themselves? If we exclude the gay ones, of course. Besides, the person who loves is afraid to even touch, right?

Nick: I don't know, Luca looks so sexy and every time I look at him I get carried away, he's mine, Oh? Luca, were you here?

Luca: yes Darlings, now get up and put on your damn school uniforms because I've been waiting for you with my shoes and these tight school uniforms for an hour!

After Alice and Nick put on their school uniforms, we left the house, took the elevator down and started walking towards the school

Nick: You can walk, that's great.

Luca: I don't know, I feel bad, like I have a fever. God, it feels like someone is drilling into my head.

We arrived at the school, went up to the second floor of the school and walked towards our classroom. We entered the classroom by knocking on the door. It was chemistry class. We sat in our seats.

Teo: What's up, asshole.

Did he call me asshole?

Nick: I swear Teo, one day I will tear that mouth of yours.

Wow, Nick is starting to be overprotective of me, I like it.
"Luca! My dear, how are you? You look pale and you don't look well," said Ivy.
"No, I'm great, I just couldn't sleep at night, don't worry," I replied. Ivy blinked and turned away, continuing to listen to the lecture. Meanwhile, Nick and David were talking quietly as if they were planning something. Alice's eyes were completely black, hadn't she been asleep?
"Didn't you sleep at night? Did you just listen to us from the door?" I asked Alice.
"Yes, but I also talked to Flora, until the morning. My sweet Flora fell asleep while talking to me at night, isn't it sweet?" replied Alice. "Anyway, I don't have anything to say to you anymore, you know my dear," I said. The class was a little quiet, it was the first period and everyone was sleepy. My head ached so bad. I'm not even talking about my legs. strangely I still feel Nick inside me.

David: "Guys, come over here, I have an idea"

Nick: Let's have some fun tonight. But in a completely different way, it is more crowded.

Alice: It won't do any good from you, but tell me your opinion anyway.
[She Laughed]

Luca: Is it important? And everyone is looking at us. Speak a little lower.

David: Let's spend the night at school, what's the most it could be anyway?

Luca: What about guards and cameras?

Nick: Is there a guard at our school? I mean, there is, but there is no night guard.

Alice: I agree. I like the idea, but it seems too dangerous.

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