Part 11- In the Morning Light [Warning]

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  I'm your Whore
And slowly the sun rose...
[This Part Contains many 18+ scenes and some stuff that may not be good for your psychology]

I opened my eyes and I was in Nick's arms. We were sleeping. No one realized that we were staying at school. I was so sleep deprived, I don't think I could attend class like this.
Nick looked into my eyes and smiled and said: "Are you awake, Little One?"

I smiled and said nothing. Even though the weather is so cold, I feel so warm in his arms. He changed me a lot...
"Are you okay? You're breathing weird" said Nick.

"Yes I'm fine" I replied with a shaky voice

ivy stood up and looked out the window. Alice asked:
What's going on?
If Ivy
"I think the School Killers have been arrested," she replied.

Murderers? So it's not just one killer, there are more killers?

Nick: I guess so.

[ Me ] Luka: Let's go, let's see what's going on.

We all left the classroom, the corridors were empty, there were only a few police officers, doctors and cleaners. The strangest thing to me is this: How can a murderer enter the school in the evening and try to kill us all? and why were there so many people in school. There aren't many people I suspect, but there were a few. The weather wasn't fully clear yet, but there was some sunlight, it was sunrise. It was extremely cold and I was freezing.

Alice: Luka? Are you ok? You are shaking.

Luka: Yes, I'm fine, don't exaggerate, it's just a little cold.

Nick immediately took off his black jacket and handed it towards me.

Nick: Here, put this on, I can't let you get cold and then you'll get sick.

I started shaking more. Because we know that whenever Nick touches me, I always shake. I feel like I'm going to die. I feel dizzy.

David: Is he okay? It's like he can't walk, his steps are too strange, too obvious.

Alice: No, nothing's wrong, he's like that sometimes, he just woke up, he's definitely a little sleepy. Ivy, let's go to the canteen.

Ivy: Okay, come on.

Ivy and Alice went down to the canteen, while Ben, Nick, Teo and David headed towards the exit of the school, they were sure to catch us. The police after school saw us and approached us. "Why are you guys here?" They said. Teo said: "We were hiding from the killer." The police started laughing, "The murder happened in the evening, what were you doing at school in the evening?" they said. We couldn't answer. The police called the school principal and told him what happened. The principal was at the school yesterday when the murder was committed, by the way, our school principal is a woman. We had to go towards the school principal's office.

We went to the top floor and were right in front of the door. We knocked on the door and entered. Our principal, Emma Grimm, was looking at us with narrowed eyes and one eyebrow raised.

Emma: Hello Guys, now I have a few questions for you. and you have to answer!

Luka: Teacher, believe us, we are not guilty.

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