Part 6- Feeling Weird...

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                   Have We Gone Too Far?
~İf you want to shine like the sun, first you have to burn like it~

I entered the house, after closing the door, I was creating fake scenarios for what would happen at school tomorrow. I Lost In Deep Thoughts, It Was Like I Was At The Bottom Of An Ocean, It Was The Night Hours, It Was So Quiet...I guess I should have gone to sleep, so I walked towards my bedroom and laid down on my bed. I tried to sleep, but it didn't work. Always him, always him... I know. It hurts, when you try to sleep but you start overthinking.

Am I not too young?...

Hours did not pass, It was as if Time had stopped for me, I felt like I was in the void, In nothingness, Lost. Thinking, always thinking. Nick Is Too Stupid... Because...
I don't Understand...
I don't Understand how can you hurt someone who had the most purest intentions towards you...

He used to upset me so much, will he do it again? I asked myself. I would like to know, would anyone miss me if I died? other than my family. But I am afraid of death, at least I am afraid of dying in pain. I am not afraid to die comfortably, and Why should I commit suicide? Suicide is nonsense, it means being helpless, if we are alive there is a reason.

Then I created scenarios with Nick again, time passed very quickly, it was morning, I had bruises under my eyes. I've always felt ugly. When someone tells me I'm beautiful, I can't take them seriously, it's like they're insulting me and making fun of me. I've changed a lot since Nick rejected me last year. for one person. More will come, I will change, they will not recognize me. I got in the car, I was on the road, my eyes hurt a lot, I took Alice by car and we went to school, Alice and I got up from the stairs, our class is on the second floor. We knocked on the door and entered.
We Arrived Very Quickly, There were very few people and not even a teacher, but Nick was here.

He Never Even Looked At Me, He Looked Angry.

We sat down, Alice used to sit with Nick, they were very good friends, but later Alice started sitting with me. That's Why Nick Is Too Sensitive About This. He was jealous of me. Nick thinks I'm responsible for this. So he thinks I tricked Alice into not sitting with him. But it's not my fault, this is too childish, why should you get angry just because your friend sat with someone else? Besides, the one you call friend is my cousin. How can a person be this stupid?

The teacher's footsteps were coming from outside. The teacher came in, Nick looked very nervous. What's wrong with him?" Alice called out. I did not say anything. Alice looked at me with a grin and said, "He's jealous of you."Believe me, I wasn't sure, was he jealous of me or Alice, or because I was closer to Alice than him? Nick turned around and blinked one eye and asked us what's up.

My heart started beating fast again, but no, I shouldn't get carried away, I'll be serious, I need to remain mysterious so he'll wonder about me. Actually, Alice didn't do anything to me, but maybe it wouldn't be bad if she was a little attached to me, you know, the feeling of always wanting attention... We were always laughing and having fun in class with Alice, it was as if Nick's heart was breaking into pieces, I could feel it. As his heart broke, I felt stronger. Nick turned around again and said, "Luca, did I do something bad to you?". I didn't answer and rejected him, he was looking at me strangely.

I looked out the window, it was morning but I could see the moon very clearly, the moon was shining, like a diamond. The teacher called me, asked me questions and so on and I answered, Nick was looking at me while I was standing. After answering the question, I took my seat and Nick said to Alice, "Come to me after class."After he said this, I started drawing some pictures in my notebook. I was drawing a femboy, actually I was drawing myself, with long socks and something a little crop-like. Long hair, and a little shy. After I finished drawing, Nick turned back and looked at the picture I drew and said, "Wow, look how hot this kid is."

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