Chapter One

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Caity Frost//6:08pm: Barry, I need your help.

Beary//6:08pm: What's up Cait?

Caity Frost//6:09pm: This is Killer Frost. I took over because I think something might be wrong with Caitlin.

Beary//6:09pm: Killer Frost asking for my help? I am stunned.

Caity Frost//6:10pm: Don't expect this ever again. I am worried about Caitlin. Get your ass over here before I ice you.

Beary//6:10pm: Chill out and come open the door, I'm already here.

(Killer Frost's POV)

I tossed Caitlin's phone on the couch and quickly made my way over to the front door. I wasn't too sure who I should contact about this but Barry had seemed like the best option at the time. He was fast and knew enough about science that he could probably help if Caity really needed it. Apparently his ego was too large for his own good though. Caity was lucky I cared about her or I would never stoop so low as to ask Barry Allen for help.

When I opened the door, Barry was grinning at me from the other side. I glared at him, trying to hide how very worried I was. If I was in the mood to be honest right now, I would admit that I was scared. But that was never going to happen. Especially not in front of Barry.

    "What's going on?" Barry asked. I stepped aside to let him inside the apartment, closing and locking the door after him. "You didn't lie and invite me here just to kill me did you?"

    I could tell he was only joking to lighten the mood, but I continued to glare at him. I wasn't in the mood for joking around.

"I don't know for sure what she was working on before everything happened, but she injected herself with something at the lab before we left earlier. Once we got home her adrenaline spiked and it felt like she was going to black out. I took over before anything could happen. I figured my accelerated healing could help flush it out of our system before anything serious happened." I explained, moving past him so that we were standing face to face. "She brought her notes home with her if that helps anything."

"It does." Barry made his way over to the coffee table that held all of Caity's research. He looked through the papers at super speed, looking for the answer as to what Caitlin could have taken.

"Did you find anything?" I was almost worried I had brought him over here for nothing. What if Caitlin had just overworked herself? What if she hadn't even taken anything at the lab? I shouldn't have texted him.

"It looks like she's been trying to find a way for both of you to be present at the same time. So that the other doesn't black out when either of you are in control." Barry explained, holding up the papers as proof. He looked a little shocked, but I felt the exact same way.

"What?" I gasped out, not caring about hiding my emotions anymore. From the look on his face as he continued to read though, I could tell there was more to it.

"I just don't understand why she wouldn't consult the team with this." Barry sighed, shaking his head. "We just defeated DeVoe, we could have given this project our full attention. Helped her to the best of our abilities. Something like this shouldn't be taken lightly, if she messed up in any way, she could have-"

I cut him off before he could finish his sentence. "She could have killed herself."

Barry nodded sadly.

I stormed away from him, grabbing the notebook that Caity and I used to communicate with each other when we switched back and forth. Barry watched me curiously as I opened to a new page and began to write.

Caitlin Danielle Snow! How dare you work on something so dangerous alone! You never tested it or got a second opinion before using it on yourself. Even I know not to be that stupid. I had to bring Barry into this because you were being so foolish. YOU. COULD. HAVE. DIED!

Barry doesn't look too pleased at this turn of events either. Be ready for the lecture of a lifetime when you take back over. I have no sympathy for you. You want us to share one mind? Consult the team.


I looked back up at Barry when I was finished. He was still watching me curiously from his place on the couch. I was livid. How could she have done something like this without consulting someone in the first place. I blinked, feeling the effects of whatever she had taken earlier start to kick in. I felt exhausted.

"What was that all about?" Barry asked, standing from his spot on the couch. He slipped his hands in his pockets a little awkwardly and I had to admit, he was a little cute. In an innocent nerdy way, of course. I blinked again and almost shook my head. Whatever Caity took was clearly making me delusional.

"Caity and I share a journal to write each other little notes when one of us is in control." I explained, setting my pen down on the open page of the journal. "I just yelled at her. She'll get it when she's back in control."

Barry smiled a bit at my answer, nodding his head as he took a couple steps forward.

"I've got to head home." He hesitated. "I left in the middle of an argument. She's upset with me, again, over something I can't control. Feel free to text me if you need anything else."

He was still smiling, albeit a little awkward now, but he was. Even after he had just overshared with me. It made me wonder if he often overshared with Caity like this. Were they close enough that Barry just shared his relationship issues with her like it was nothing?

"Could you have Caitlin text me when she wakes up please? Just so I know she's okay?" He asked. I nodded my head, watching his smile turn weary before he waved and was gone in a gust of wind and a crackle of lightning.

I could only think one thing after he left. He was hiding something, and I was going to find out what.

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