Chapter Twenty-Four

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(Caitlin's POV)

"Sweet Sally!" Cisco called out as we walked into the speed lab together. Dawn was standing proudly in front of Sally's core.

"Where is your sister?" I asked, looking around the room for Nora. I already knew that Barry wouldn't be very happy that they split up. I wasn't either.

"She had to take a call." Dawn said, holding up her hands. "She should be on her way back soon."

"In the meantime, I can get to work on creating something similar to the dagger!" Cisco said, reaching out to grab the satellite core before dropping it just as quickly and groaning. "Note to self, don't pick up heavy objects with injured hands."

"Obviously." I laughed, reaching out to pick up the core. It was a little heavier than I anticipated. "Where are we taking this?"

"My lab." Cisco said, jogging out of the room. Dawn frowned and came over to help me carry the core.

"Thank you, Danny." I said softly, walking backward with my half. I looked at the core, noticing the spot missing from it in the shape of Cicada's dagger. "Great job finding this and bringing this back."

"Thanks mom." Dawn smiled up at me, though it was a little strained from carrying something so heavy. "Where is dad?"

"He went with Iris to file their divorce." I said, keeping my eyes down on the floor to keep track of where I was walking.

"Does that make you uncomfortable?" Dawn asked, her tone soft.

"No?" I sighed, stopping for a moment. "A little. Not in the way you think though. I'm uncomfortable because Barry thought he was in love with Iris and they got married and moved in together and realized that they weren't right for each other. What if the same thing ends up happening to us?"

Dawn started to laugh and for a moment I was hurt. I just opened up about how I was feeling to my future daughter and she started laughing at me. Then what I had all just said clicked. I started to laugh a little as well.

"You're supposed to be the smart one, Caity."

"Insecurity is a funny thing." Dawn hummed, smiling at me. "Just so you know, you and dad are so in love with each other it's gross."

"Thanks, Danny." I smiled back. "I guess I just didn't think about who I was talking to before I let all of that out."

"I'm glad you did though, so that I could reassure you. You're always reassuring Nora and I, now I get to do the same." She said before wincing and adjusting her hold on the core. "Please keep moving though, this is heavy as shit."

"Danny!" I gasped out in surprise.

"If you tell me to watch my mouth like dad does, I'm dropping this and you carry it yourself." She huffed out, adjusting her grip again.

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