Chapter Ten

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(Caitlin's POV)

I almost texted Barry after I found out about what Nora had written. I was going to check in and see what she was up to for the day, but then I decided that seemed a bit odd. We had only spent a little bit of time together.

"It wouldn't be weird."

"Yes it would." I huffed, rolling my eyes. I wanted to contact Nora, ask her why she had written the note, but I knew I needed to rest and my head was still killing me, so I drove myself home with the plan to sleep for the rest of the day.

I parked in my usual spot once I got home, taking the elevator up to my apartment. As soon as I made it to my floor, I felt myself getting dizzy. I held my head as I unlocked the door and stumbled inside.

"Caity! Are you alright?"

I squeezed my eyes closed and leaned against the doorframe. I felt weak, maybe it hadn't been such a good idea to leave the lab alone. At all, even.

"I don't think I am. I can't even see straight. I need you to take over and text Barry." I mumbled, feeling a little nauseous. She took control and I noted how strange it felt being able to see, hear, and feel, while not being in control of my body.

"I texted him, Caity. Don't you fucking dare die on me!"

The panic in her voice put me on edge. What if the serum hadn't been as safe as we had all thought it was? What if I was dying?

"You aren't dying, Caitlin! Stay awake!"

I slid down the door frame until I was sitting, leaning back against the wall. I could feel my consciousness slipping away. I was about to black out. With the last bit of strength and energy I had, I shut the door to my apartment. The last thing I needed was someone to find me passed out in my doorway.

"Caitlin Danielle Snow, if you pass out I am going to kill you!"

If I hadn't felt so awful, I would have found it funny that those were the last words I heard before blacking out. It's not like she could actually kill me. Not if I was already dying.

Everything went black then.


(Barry's POV)

I woke Nora up when I got up that morning. I had just about an hour and a half before I had to go to work and I was planning to check on Caitlin before then.

"What would you like for breakfast this morning?" I asked, heading into the kitchen after I had woken Nora.

"More sleep?" Nora called from the couch, sounding a bit muffled. I knew she was hiding her face, trying to go back to sleep.

"Not an option, little miss." I laughed, opening the fridge to look at what ingredients I was working with. "Scrambled eggs and toast? French toast? Bacon and eggs? Pancakes?"

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