Chapter Seventeen

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(Nora's POV)

The trip up to Star City had started off normal. I was just happy that we weren't out exploring the streets of Central City alone. I should have known that things would end up going south.

"Not to sound like a prude," Dawn started, causing both Oliver and I to look over at her. "But, are we supposed to be here?"

"Of course we are allowed to be here, I'm the mayor." Oliver said, unlocking the gated fence. We were at an old abandoned warehouse. It didn't look safe. Oliver was with us and I was aware of what he was capable of, but something about going into this building didn't feel right. Something was off.

"Danny is right, even if we have access to this building because of your mayor status, is it really a good idea to go inside?" I asked, following Oliver through the gate once it was open. I made sure to hold it open for Dawn to follow in behind me.

"You two are safe with me. You have nothing to worry about." Oliver said, taking the lead. Dawn and I shared a look. I rolled my eyes and moved to follow after Oliver. Dawn stopped me by grabbing my arm.

"Wait." She said quickly, pulling me back. "Are you sure this is safe?"

"Coming from the girl that was ready to explore the streets for Central City alone just an hour ago?" I laughed, leveling her with a pointed look.

"I know, but we are familiar with Central. How many times have we actually been to Starling?" She asked, crossing her arms. "Nora, I have a bad feeling about this."

"I do too." I sighed. "I told Oliver I could help, the least we can do is take a look at what he needs help with."

"You can. You know I know nothing about science." Dawn sighed, looking away for a moment.

"If things go south, you have your speed." I said softly, giving her a smile.

"I do, but you're not as fast as me." She said, looking back at me. "I can't protect the both of us."

"I can protect myself, Danny." I said, reaching out to take her hand. I squeezed it softly. "Trust me, we'll be alright."

"Okay." She relented, letting me pull her after Oliver. He was waiting for us at the door to the building.

"Someone was murdered here." He said once we were close enough to hear him.

"Jesus." Dawn winced, letting out a nervous laugh. "Straight to the point, huh?"

Oliver gave her an unamused look. "The amount of dark matter around this body is past the usual amount associated with a normal meta."

"So?" I asked, shrugging. "It's just a powerful meta?"

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